eBooks, Software and Downloads

Dr. Joe Vitale's Limited Edition "Hypnotic Social Media Marketing Secrets" product launches today.

Dr. Joe Vitale's Limited Edition "Hypnotic Social
Media Marketing Secrets" product launches today.

This is an actual physical kit you get shipped to
your door. (for the price of an ebook.) More on
that in a second.

Dr. Joe Vitale had 500 of these special edition
kits printed up with a 48-page study guide & CD
explaining every important social media marketing
site, what it is and how to use each one to get
maximum traffic and sales.

Hypnotic Marketing

There are lists of all the special links you need,
and a Tips & Tricks guide to help you understand
and get started using social marketing fast - and
maximize results using expert tips.

IMPORTANT: It's An Integrated Marketing System

You learn how to use the powerful Social Media
Marketing tools the RIGHT WAY - as part of the
4-part integrated marketing system Dr. Joe Vitale
has perfected with his Hypnotic Marketing Formula.

Now, here is the really cool part. Because
Dr. Vitale is celebrating over 100,000 sales online,
he has just announced that he is going to be offering
the entire Hypnotic Marketing 2.0 course, which
includes the new Hypnotic Social Media Marketing kit,
at a discount.


That's right, starting today you can get the best-
selling Hypnotic Marketing 2.0 course for HALF-PRICE.

Dr. Vitale has a private reason for doing this,
and it has something to do with quickly meeting a
personal sales goal for this particular product.
(He recently celebrated his 100,000th online sale
online across the board, and apparently became highly
motivated to meet another personal goal).

So to recap:

1) HALF PRICE starting today. (we don't know right
now if this could end tonight, tomorrow, or when -
it's until the private sales goal is met)

2) If you are one of the first 500 people, you get:

- First 500 get a Limited Edition "Hypnotic Social Media Marketing" kit
mailed to your door containing a 48-page Social Media Guidebook
& and exclusive audio CD training with Miss W. & Dr. Vitale.

3) If you are one of the first 1000 people:

- First 1000 get Dr. Vitale's famous Hypnotic Writing Swipe
File that sells for $197 (but is currently off the market for 2 years,
can't get it at any price)

4) Everybody who gets in on Tuesday is guaranteed to get:

- Hypnotic Marketing eBootcamp ($497 value)

- Hypnotic Blogging course ($37 Value)

- Hypnotic Publicity Secrets ($37 Value)

- A brand new Bonus CD & Print Newsletter on the newest
publicity tactics shipped to you in November. ($47 Value)

- The Top 10 Most Hypnotic Emails of All Time ($37 Value)

- The Top 5 Most Hypnotic Websites of All Time ($37 Value)

- Hypnotic Language Secrets - $37 Value

- Dangerous Marketing - 21 Daring Ideas by Leading Edge Thinkers
(27 Value)

- 183 Emotional Selling Tools ($47 Value)

- Hypnotic Traffic Secrets ($47 Value)

- The Marketing Secret Behind The Secret movie ($27 Value)

- The Beyond Manifestation ebook ($27 Value)


Dr. Vitale must really want to meet his new goal fast!

You get a dozen of his popular products as a bonus,
and a half price discount, while it lasts.

Plus fast-movers get the Limited Edition physical kit
shipped to your door that includes the exclusive audio
CD interview with Miss W. and a 48 page Guidebook
to harness the power of Social Media Marketing.

Hypnotic Marketing

Best Regards,


PS: There's a LOT to figure out with social
media marketing...

Twitter, tweets, facebook, digg, fliker, social
bookmarking, web 2.0, social media marketing...

How can you use all the new tools effectively in your
online marketing and not waste your time on what
doesn't work?

Quickly cut through to the answers in the Limited
Edition Social Media Marketing package Dr. Joe Vitale
has created that includes a 48-page printed guidebook and an exclusive audio CD interview with Miss W.
shipped to your door.

media marketing tools - which ones work....and most
importantly how to use them as part of an integrated
marketing strategy. (you get all 4 parts in the
Hypnotic Marketing 2.0 course)

Hypnotic Marketing

Want A Push Button Viral Marketing Tool? My Free Gift To You - A Place For Network Marketing


How to Make $1,000's Weekly with a Health Internet Business of Your very Own

How to Make $1,000's Weekly with a Health Internet Business of Your very Own

Wise Online Entrepreneurs know that the best selling products online are health products and health-related ebooks, books, tapes, newsletter subscriptions, etc.

Now World famous Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst has just released her latest "shocker!" that makes it possible for just about anyone to profit from this fact.

She's making it possible for someone to get a fully-operational online "store" that specializes in "health-related" goods and services.

Literally now anyone can get a complete Internet "health" business in a box!

This complete website has a main product as well as up to 90 separate products that all center around breakthrough health products. And where YOU can earn some really HUGE CASH!

It seems that Dr. Suzanne has really done her homework (especially for YOUR benefit!)

First she correctly determined that according to Forrester Research (which is perhaps the most powerful & accurate online research database to date!) "health-related" products and information is by far the most sought after things anywhere online.

Nope! -- Despite what you might have thought, "sex," "porn," and "UFOs" are NOT the most searched for items on the Internet (but "health stuff" is hands down!)

Second, Dr. Suzanne's "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" shook the entire World with its release recently - and she's even made a special lead-capture page that you also get central to this amazing site!

Why is this important?

Simple: because Dr. Suzanne's affiliates are making millions right now with what is perhaps one of ClickBank's HOTTEST products (and this same product is the central seller at your new health e-Biz site!)

Third, the site you get also acts as a "database" that never stops growing so that you get 10,000's of customers you can continue to sell to over and over again other things!

Why is this important?

Again, very simple: anyone who's wise online knows that "backend" sales are chief to making long term and extra profits!

Dr. Suzanne's NEW "Health Biz In a Box" complete and fully-operational website you get for next to nothing contains an electronic "Automatic Sales Manager" (like a salesman robot - Ha!) built-in that works to upsell to your list over and over again so that you enjoy additional "automatic" income!

Fourth, Dr. Suzanne health-biz site also includes a complete health-related products Shopping Mall so that your site visitors stopping by are likely to buy at least 1 to up to 90 additional products creating instantly for you up to over a dozen other income streams!

This way you get the "most bang for your buck" so to speak!

As if all this weren't enough, the fifth (and perhaps the very best) thing about this automatic seller is the tiny spokesmodel "Rachel" that literally walks out onto your Health-Biz site and guides your site visitors (like a tour guide) through your entire site and what it has to offer!

Dr. Suzanne carefully tested the site both WITH and WITHOUT "Rachel" and accurately determined that the addition of "Rachel" boosted sites sales by as much as 396% (meaning nearly 4 times as many sales!)

Dr. Suzanne believes that having the spokesmodel adds credibility as well as an informative approach to the site so that it generates a much higher "conversion-to-sales" ration at large.

And ALL these amazing features stand to make YOU very, very rich as you get all of them with your own "Health Biz In a Box" website!

If any of this floats your boat, then I highly recommend you get over to:

=>> Health Biz In A Box

...and because rumor has it that Dr. Suzanne may put a ceiling on the number of these Internet "health-biz" sites she's giving out in order to avoid everyone having one and risking market saturation.

Already people securing theirs have had nothing but great things to say about this:

"I'm so happy with mine! ... Having this site professionally set up by Dr. Suzanne's Team for us was the greatest thing we ever did! ... the site literally is just pouring money into our pockets even while we're doing other things, vacationing, and even crashing out!"
-Cynthia Conrad, Atlanta, Georgia

"I never knew that making money online could be so easy!"
-Richard Bosworth, SLC, Utah

"Health stuff is the real way to make money online easily ... everybody sooner or later has to have it!"
-Carla Dupree, Boise, Idaho

"I'm making about $6,000 a week with mine ... and this after failing on the Net for nearly 10 years trying to sell everything else!"
-Jason Herman, San Dimas, CA

"$500 a day is what this biz is shoving in my pocket! I even went out of town for nearly two weeks and my health biz site completely ran itself!"
-Michael Sorbowski, Mason, Ohio

As you can see by these people's comments, everyone grabbing their own automatic health-products Internet business is raking in the cash! (And now you can too!)

Just grab yours now simply by going to:

=>> Health Biz In A Box

I guess I should have added above that not only do you get all the things I've described thus far, but you also get professional customized set up at no extra charge!

That's right! - Dr. Suzanne's own Team of web experts actually build your "Health Biz" for you so you don't have to!


- design your site
- put all the 90 income streams into place
- install the electronic sales manager for you
- add sharp selling graphics
- add powerful videos
- add several other webpages
- and a complete online shopping mall of health products!

All so that you can earn big income online and while you sell product that help people and that you can be very proud to sell.

So all in all this is perhaps one of the BEST instant online ventures worth your time.

Get your now before the ceiling number is reached and maxed out...

=>> Health Biz In A Box

-Timothy Kendrick

Blogging Cash Course. This is free and highly reccomended

Quickly Create Your Own Cash Producing Branded Ebooks

Viral Ads Unleashed

Memory Enhancement Techniques That Can Change Your Life

You might have a face that is anti-wrinkle despite being 60 years old, but your memory capacity will definitely be eaten up as you continue to age. Memory loss in old age cannot be stopped for sure, but it can definitely be slowed down. There are plenty of supplements out there but unfortunately, none of them is The Miracle Pill. Hence, the only way to give your memory a boost is to learn some of the memory enhancement techniques that can really change your life.

When using the memory enhancement techniques, the main idea is to make full use of our brain and memory so as to keep us thinking and “moving” at all times. Most of the memory techniques available here are easy to follow, as such; you would definitely not have to worry about going to the extreme ends of the spectrum.

Firstly, we must learn some of the ways whereby our memory power can be built up. Remembering information such as addresses, numbers and names will help to ensure that our memory is being worked out. This is also a form of memory exercise that allows you to exercise your brain to take and store in memory. Alternatively, playing mind-boggling games and puzzles will help out in developing your memory power.

Another technique to improve your memory is to learn the tricks of storing memory. This would refer to how different people are able to store in memory, within just a short period of time or so called ‘Photographic Memory’. The technique used to develop this photographic memory varies from people to people. But the more common one is to have a mental scenario of the things that you are supposed to remember. For example, when you are given a list of items for grocery shopping, simply use the words from the list to form a mental scenario. Example, if you are given a list of: cat, skirt and banana, try to create an image whereby there is a cat wearing a skirt trying to eat a banana. If there are plenty more items to add to the list, then just continue to link these items to the initial image. Lastly, just remember to link the last item back to the first item. Do explore newer methods of remember long twinning information.

Let us not forget that the most common method is the ability to keep up with a healthy diet at all times. Despite being relatively easy to do, many have ignored this and choose to lead the unhealthy and unbalanced diet, which consists of chips, chips and more chips! A healthy diet helps with the circulation in the body and as such the brain is able to benefit from this too. Foods like broccoli, spinach and blueberries are definitely encouraged. At the same time, remember to include a few simple exercises as part of the healthy routine. Believe it or not, simple exercises can help to rejuvenate the mind and soul. This will allow you to free yourself and loosen up the tensed muscle that might have accumulated whilst you were busy running around in rage in the office.

These memory improvement techniques do not cost you a single penny. However, you will definitely have to put in some discipline and effort to make sure that you are able to keep up with every itsy bitsy detail. Nothing can beat these free and easy methods!

Click here for an Easy Way to Develop Your Photographic Memory

SilvaUltraMind System - The Largest Silva Mind Training Site on the World Wide Web - Discover a New Method to Control Your Mind by Jose Silva


SilvaUltraMind System  - The Largest Silva Mind Training Site on the World Wide Web - Discover a New Method to Control Your Mind by Jose Silva

What They Never Told You In The Secret » Blog Archive » Why Feeling-Based Visualization Is NOT Enough To Manifest Your Heart’s Desires!


What They Never Told You In The Secret » Blog Archive » Why Feeling-Based Visualization Is NOT Enough To Manifest Your Heart’s Desires!

Nobody here is calling the “Law Of Attraction” or ANY of the spiritual laws into question. In fact, Kevin and I believe “The Secret” offers some powerful insights that really do work wonders.
It’s just that the way it was presented in the movie often leads people to get frustrated with the process.

And believe me, I know what that’s like!

I hear that from folks all the time. Loads of people have said as much on our blog – “I’m missing something!” and “I know there’s more to it!”

What About YOU? Has “The Secret” Worked For You?

Did you think it’s a waste of time?  Have you had some successes with “The Secret”?

However well or badly it’s worked for you, I’m sure you’re someone who wants to make your life better otherwise you wouldn’t be taking the time to read this letter. 

So let’s look at the 3 MAJOR pitfalls with the way the law of attraction was presented in “The Secret”


The Mind-Body Training Company

Do You Experience These Telltale Signs Of Spiritual Distress?

If you read the “3 Untold Secrets” report, you’ll be aware of the 3 pitfalls people nearly ALWAYS run up against with the “The Secret”.  Here are some of the telltale signs that you may have some “energetic leaks” going on that are blocking the success you deserve with “The Secret”.

If you recognize ANY of them, GET EXCITED! ….

Because that means you’re about to get a huge A-HA breakthrough!!!

Confusion Around WHAT You Want To Attract.  You’re not sure what you really want.  Yes, you want more money and you want better relationships, but is that really what’s best for you to go after?  Are you seeking what the Universe (God or your  Higher Self etc) knows is best and right for you at the deepest levels?

Fear, Anxiety, Depression & Other Forms Of Unconscious Resistance.  Maybe you finally do decide to manifest a new car or a new lover or whatever.  But somehow it seems like your “stuff” keeps coming up to thwart you just when you thought you were making progress.  It’s like something within you is holding you back.

The Sense That “Something Is Missing”.  Maybe you have a good idea what you want and feel pretty good for the first part.  It’s just that under the surface, there’s a deeper sense that something is not quite right.  Something is missing.  The feeling that you are whole and complete in your day-to-day life isn’t as strong as before.

If any of that is familiar to you, guess what? 

It’s NOT your fault …

But it IS your responsibility to do something about it now!  Let me explain…

The way “The Secret” was presented placed too much emphasis on RESULTS and not enough emphasis on TWO elements that are just as important:

1. Knowing Yourself

2. Being Yourself

Now it’s time to put things right...It's time for you to discover...

How To Live The Life You Are Live Meant To Live!

Imagine manifesting your heart’s desire from the inside out?  Instead of obsessing about the THINGS you think you want in life, you'd begin to see the importance of first developing your awareness of who you are and what you’re really here to do!

Let me explain how …

Right now, there is a high vibration energy that flows through your central channel – that is, the channel that runs vertically through the center of your torso.  In The Power Of Practice Program you learn how to connect to that energy and how to live your day-to-day life from the sheer joy of that awareness.

This is called “Core Energetic Awareness”.  Why is it important?

When you’re connected to your “core energy”, you begin to KNOW what’s highest and best for you to do here and now.  This eliminates doubt and confusion and strengthens your sense of purpose here and now.

This makes you super effective in anything you choose to do and attract because it’s coming from the core of who you really are.  But that’s only the first step.  Next you will discover…

The Secret “Master Tool” For Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire!

Once you’ve connected to yourself … once you’re knowing yourself and knowing what’s highest and best for you  … The next step is to LIVE it!

This does NOT mean going about your daily life pretending that your dreams have already happened.  No, that’s just living in fantasyland.

You have to live it by taking appropriate action….but NOT action in the traditional sense.  We’re NOT talking about  “walking on fire” or pushing yourself to do something “macho” or anything like that.  That just burns you out and creates a “push-pull” internal conflict cycle.

We’re also NOT talking about “inspired action”!

Of course you do want to be inspired by your core energy.  It's just that, to many people, what “inspired action” really means is doing practically NOTHING (but just enough to convince themselves they are serious when in fact there's still a holdback).

Sorry To Be Harsh But Here’s The Truth!

What we’re talking about here is NOT action in any of those senses.  So what kind of action are we talking about? 

Do you know what it is yet? 

What’s the one word they NEVER mentioned once in “The Secret” that’s VITAL to just about EVERY success you could look at?

The answer is practice.  More specifically DAILY PRACTICE

The Secret “Master Tool” They Never Mention Once In “The Secret”

Look at those who have produced exceptional results in any field - Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump … Buddha. You name it, their success was built on a daily practice that allowed them to be their Highest Selves and LIVE their heart’s desire in the world.
Daily practice is a way to organize your life so that you actualize what’s highest and best for you on a consistent basis.
If it’s your dream to be a world class tennis player, you’ll want to create a daily practice of tennis skills to be that.  If it’s your dream to make money by running a certain kind of successful business, you’ll want to create a daily practice to do and be that.
To be truly happy and effective, you want to follow a daily practice that matches what you truly want to have and be in the world.
And since your ability to do that depends on your level of health and energy (your “core energetic awareness” as its referred to in the Power Of Practice) you’ll also want to discover and follow your own daily practice for health and well-being as well...

OK, I See What You Mean By "The Power Of Practice"... 

So Who Is Kevin Schoeninger Again?

Who better to you help live from your “core energy” and create YOUR daily practice than Kevin Schoeninger?
He’s a certified personal trainer, Reiki Master Teacher, and Qigong meditation instructor with a Master's degree in Philosophy. He’s been working with clients for over 25 years to help them de-stress, develop holistic fitness, and learn tools for personal and spiritual growth.
What he teaches is not “pie in the sky” theory. He knows what gets results and what it takes to make significant and lasting spiritual progress.

In the Power Of Practice Program, Kevin will help you discover and develop YOUR PRACTICE for living the life YOU are meant to live. 

Here's Just Some Of Things You'll

Discover In This Breakthrough Program

  • Why surrendering your dreams to the Universe (in certain respects) is just asking for trouble. Which parts of your personal masterpiece do you need to plan and which do you need to “let go”? Most “new age” thinking misses the boat on this completely! (p156)

  • How to easily blow past the greatest obstacle to the life you are meant to live. Falling short on this hammers the final nail in the coffin of your dreams. But fear not… a superior attitude expressed by two words is all it takes to re-secure your destiny… (p127)

  • A rarely known technique for releasing any negative emotion or behavior pattern.  This technique does NOT utilize affirmations, NLP or any kind of language based technique.  It can be done covertly in public without people knowing what you're doing (p44).

  • 12 questions you need to ask in order to create a daily practice plan that works. Answer and implement these questions and you’re on the road to being abundantly healthy, happy and living the life you are meant to live (p187)

  • Knowing your “own most possibilities” – The two ways you can know for definite what choices are in alignment with your inner being. Once you know this, you can always be certain you’re making the right decision.

  • The primary mistake people make when it comes to manifesting!

  • The 12 principles of practice – apply these principles to anything you want to manifest & watch as your dreams begin to happen! (p209)

  • The 4 components of your perception & how understanding them allows you to change you experience at will (p34)

  • The 9 forces that control your experience & how understanding these allows you to choose your own experience (p39)

  • How to release resistance to your desires, so you attract what you want faster than ever

  • The primary mistake people make when it comes to perception & how the establishment plays on this device to control your thoughts & emotions.  You'll also discover how you can take charge of this device to shift your experience of anything! (p61)

A Fresh Perspective On Manifesting Your Dreams

  • Why focusing on what you want as described in “The Secret” & most self help programs can totally destroy your chances of having it! (p62)

  • The most effective way to use goal-setting & “feeling-based” visualizations in order to manifest your deepest, highest desires. Not only is this far more effective, but you actually enjoy & appreciate your life in the here & now! (p62)

  • The 4 essential elements of manifestation: thinking, feeling ________ & _______. Why just thinking & feeling is not enough (p106)

  • A simple thing you can do in the early stage of manifesting your deepest desires to help ensure you don’t destroy your progress (p85)

  • One of the biggest stumbling blocks people run up against when trying to manifest & how to overcome it (p86)

  • Why having infinite possibilities can actually hold you back & how to know your “own-most possibilities” – the one direction that’s right for you from where you are now (p57)

  • Why feelings are often not a reliable source of knowing (p89)

  • The key understanding that will allow you to jettison the “results obsessed” mind-set. This one insight alone can change the quality of your life forever (p63)

  • Does the subconscious really know the difference between what you imagine & what’s real? What’s the right way to do it? (p63)

  • You get the results you truly want by _________ & fully __________ itself (p64)

  • What are “internal goods” & “external goods”?  How can understanding this distinction help you effectively manifest what you truly want and enjoy the process (p65)

  • Knowing what’s best for you – how to realize your “own-most” possibilities!

And This Will Blow Your Mind...

  • What are “internal goods” & how can they help you re-discover abundant joy? (p60)

  • How to manifest your ideal life - the life you are meant to live! (p69)

  • The 12 skills of consciousness you need to create what is truly yours to be & do in this life

  • Recognizing “red flags” & “green flags” – how to interpret the internal & external signs on your path. This is absolutely critical for happiness and success. Everything depends on your ability to do this well.

  • A fresh perspective on manifestation: the key to manifesting your ideal life is to be ______ & _______ while choosing your ________ in order to realize your “own-most” possibilities for the benefit of all (p77)

  • Forget “infinite possibilities” – here’s how to manifest what’s highest & best for you in the context of your life – your “own most” possibilities (p82).

  • The first “tell tail signs” that you’re off track & not living the life you are meant to live (p84)

  • How to develop the skill of making the highest & best choices for you (p86)

  • How can you learn the art of choosing well? (p86)

  • What are the 3 layers to all your feelings? (p89)

  • How do you know if a feeling is coming from you or from your environment? (p89)

  • How your “green flags” are hiding in plain sight & how to instantly recognize them (p89)

  • How a simple shift can turn what was a “red flag” into a “green flag” (p89)

  • 37 everyday words & phrases to help you identify “green flags & markers” so you find yourself making just the right choices to manifest your “own-most possibilities” (p93)

  • How to understand “core energetic awareness” & “the power of practice” from the context of Christianity, Judaism & Islam. With this understanding, you’ll even be able to relate with people who have strongly held religious beliefs! (I know, it’s amazing but true!)   (p104)

  • How to know yourself, be yourself, and care for yourself (p109)

  • 4 self care practices for radiant health & well-being

  • A simple technique for knowing exactly what nutrition your body needs for profound health & wellbeing! (p112)

  • How to develop the skill of present focus so you experience real peace of mind throughout your daily life (p115)

  • How to use journaling as a tool of self discovery

  • How to bring your personal meaning to the larger world around you (p138)

  • How to brainstorm with “core energetic awareness" to effectively sense new alternatives & possibilities (p143)

  • The “standing outside yourself” technique – a simple way to release & let go of any limiting perspective (p149)

  • How to enjoy peace of mind throughout your day & have more choice (p154)

  • How to take responsibility for your bank balance & how to grow it (p163)

  • Understanding the cause of deep inner conflict & how to resolve it (p162)

  • Meditation & Manifestation Secrets – how they fit together! (p179)

  • What you need to in order to experience anything you desire (p185)

  • How your feelings determine what decisions & what actions you’ll take

  • The power of internal alchemy

  • And that's not all. You'll also discover ....

How To Live Your Heart's Desire In The World

  • How to develop the genuine, heart felt compassion of a Buddhist monk (p168)

  • Sacred Listening: how to listen with such presence that people are compelled to like, love & respect you! (p165)

  • 5 common “red flags” & what to do so you take the right actions & make the right choices for you (p96)

  • 33 everyday words & phrases to help you identify “red flags & markers” so you avoid the wrong choices & find yourself making just the right choices to manifest your “own-most possibilities” (p100)

  • How can you tell the difference between “feelings” & “markers”? Why & how does this determine your ability to make the right choices in your life? (p89)

  • How to develop the one quality you already possess that counteracts fear in yourself & the world around you. (p184)

  • The "unlikely" daily practice that will help you build a stronger community (p177)

  • How to extend your sense of community relationships while traveling the world! (p172)

  • Strengthening relationships: How to “make a date” with your partner, family member, friend or colleague

  • How meditation can help you build a stronger community (p177)

  • How to widen your social circle, business network (p175)

  • The dos & don'ts of beginning your new creative project! (p139)

  • The 3 types of happiness & how they relate to the 3 aspects of you

  • How to fulfill your 3 dimensions of self to ensure you live a balanced, happy & fulfilled life (p79)

  • How to have great friendships

  • How to develop the one quality you already possess that counteracts fear in yourself & the world around you. (p184)

How To Define, Implement & Deepen Your Personal Practice So You

Live The Life You Are Meant to Live

  • What’s the minimum amount of time it takes for an effective daily practice that gets results? Is it okay to skip a day’s practice here and there? (p83)

  • One simple tweak to your practice that will skyrocket both the size & speed of your results (p83)

  • How to re-discover your inner navigation system, hidden sixth sense & master power (p50)

  • The 4 phases of any effective meditation practice. Missing just one of these phases can limit the benefits (p181).

  • How to navigate through difficult phases of your practice – how to keep your practice fresh, exciting & fun! (p196)

  • Life in the body responds to ______ (p79)

  • The master tool for developing your “own most possibilities” – what’s most right & appropriate for you in your life (p66)

  • How to set things up so you automatically manifest what you truly want on a consistent basis (p79)

  • Discover the “master tool” of personal growth: the “mother” of all manifestation techniques! (p82

  • Why daily practice is essential for lasting success (p83)

  • Secrets Of "Sacred Sight": How to see the world with appreciation, gratitude & acceptance (p120)

  • How to enjoy the 4 types of exercise you need for a healthy mind, body & spirit. Which type of exercise and what combination of the four is best for you?

  • How to bring “core energetic awareness” & mind-body training into any form of exercise you want to enjoy (p126)

  • How to prioritize your day to cater for your own most possibilities as well as your other key responsibilities (p129

  • How the work of an Italian economist relates to the life you are meant to live (p130)

  • How to increase your “manifesting power” (and your bank balance) exponentially. With continually expanding resources, what will you be choosing to do 6 months from now? (p131)

  • Why sometimes it’s better not to expand your horizons (p134)

  • How to keep your daily practice fresh, exciting & uplifting so you continually become richer & happier (p135)

Secrets Of "Core Energetic Awareness"

How To Know Who You Are & What You're Here To Do!

  • How to develop your “core energetic awareness” so that you know your heart’s purpose & the best course of action in any given moment (p52)

  • How to release from tension, fear & other conditioned responses that have become locked into your cells. Positive thinking will do you little or no good here (p180)

  • How to live from a state of core energy so you feel energized, happy and fullfilled all the time! (p71)

  • What to do when emotional baggage runs counter to what you want (p60)

  • The simple 3-step “core energy technique” for returning to a natural state of peace at will. This allows you to inwardly know the best choice for you in any given moment (p48).

  • How to tap into the power of your hidden sixth sense

  • How to tune into the multi-layered web of reality to know what’s going on in other cities, even around the world! (p52)

  • A simple 3-step technique for shifting out of any negative pattern of thought, emotion or behavior (p72)

  • The core energy technique

  • Mastering the art of subtle awareness - how to monitor “energy in” & “energy out” so you can better choose your experience (p74)

  • Understanding your energetic relationship with the world around you

  • Understanding your emotional vibration & the power of feeling

  • How to shift into a “core energy state” at will, so you feel happy & balanced no matter what you’re doing

  • Uncovering the hidden forces that shape your experience

Here's What Kevin's Clients Have To Say

"I've met hundreds of people in my life and I consider most of them friends. But, of those, only a few are considered my mentors. You are one of those few. I admire your vast realm of knowledge, your inner peace and your ability to touch others. You have provided guidance and support when I was unsure of which path to take. And perhaps above all, you believed in me. Thank you for everything."

Denise P., Colorado, USA

"The past 3 months have been a nightmare of pain and mindfulness, of watching my thoughts, because any anger and negativity goes straight to my back. I can't begin to tell you how much you have helped me both physically and emotionally. I have mostly good days now!"

Kimiko S., Colorado, USA

"Kevin, I appreciate: your steady attention and encouragement, how you model being in the present moment, and the breadth of wisdom and information that you share."

Alice S., Colorado, USA

"The most important realization that I have had through your program is that I can do something about negative patterns. I have some control, can reduce fears, and can change how I relate to my life."

Lea A., Colorado, USA

"I started with meditation practice in 1973. I have had many good meditation instructors, but Kevin is by far the best I have ever known. He is present and practices everything he teaches every moment"
Marjorie S. McCurtain, CO, USA

"I began using these Qigong meditations over a year ago to help relieve chronic pain in my lower back. I have achieved a heightened awareness of the body/mind connection through these exercises and visualizations. They melt the stored stress in the muscles and calm the mind which generates it. I highly recommend these Qigong meditations as a simple yet effective way to feel better. Karen Robuck, CO, USA

Okay Matt, So What's This Going To Cost Me?

The short answer is nowhere near what it should. Let me explain with a quick comparison...
To work with Kevin on a one-to-one basis would easily end up costing you HUNDREDS of dollars. A good personal trainer can easily cost you upwards of $50 per hour, and that's not accounting for the fact that what Kevin teaches is VERY specialized.
Just do the math - at 3 sessions per week - that's $600 per month!
We certainly won't be charging anything like that.
The other factor here is that we're launching this program in a "download only" format. Because the internet significantly lowers our order processing and fulfillment costs, we're able to pass on the discount to you.
When we eventually release "The Power Of Practice" as a hard product, the program will likely be priced in the region of several hundred dollars.  But again, you won't pay anything like that. The download only version of "The Power Of Practice" is just $97!
But wait...
We're currently re-launching this program to a new online network. This gives us access to a massive new audience for the first time. This is great for us because we want as many people as possible to get involved with this transformational (and much needed) program!

So to help raise our profile, we've decided to trial a MUCH lower price of just $49 for this month. This reduced price will apply for the next 57 people who order. It may be withdrawn after that depending on the results. By ordering now you guarantee the lowest price possible. And there's more...

Because we really want you to take this opportunity and APPLY this material in your life, we're even going to throw in 4 amazing bonuses for your quick action. Why are we doing this?  Simple.  Kevin and I genuinely believe in this program and want to give you every incentive to go for it now.

That's why, when you order now, you get immediate access to download  "The Power Of Practice"  ... AND... just look at these very valuable and useful bonuses we're throwing in...

4 Bonuses For Your Quick Action

The Complete Audios For

"The Power Of Practice"

(in MP3 download format)

Listen as the author Kevin Schoeninger reads "The Power Of Practice" to you.  This allows you to get the energy and feeling that inspired this program.  In addition to reading the PDF, you'll be able to listen to the audio on your computer, or copy your audio to CD/MP3 player.  All 7.5 hours of audio mp3 is waiting to be downloaded immediately once your order has been accepted! (Value $97)

How To Overcome Your Bad Relationship With Money
By Kevin Schoeninger

In this excellent report Kevin shows you how to apply "The Power Of Practice" to your finances.  You'll discover the two approaches that DON'T work when it comes to attracting wealth and what you need to do to begin attracting financial abundance. A MUST read.
(PDF Report. Value $29)

Interview with best selling author Sonia Choquette on "trusting your vibes" and discovering your personal gifts. (MP3 download. Value $29)

Matt Clarkson's "Secrets Of The Expanded Awareness"

A technique adapted from the work of leading NLP trainer Chris Howard.  It uses visual cues to help you release and let go of ANY limitation, often in seconds.  The technique can also be used when learning or studying to improve memory retention.  Very powerful.  Easy to learn with this short 15 minute audio.

(Value $29)

Click here to get your copy of The Power Of Practice right now!

You Have Nothing To Lose & Everything To Gain With Our

"100% Iron Clad Guarantee!"

Both Kevin and myself stand completely behind this program and we know that if you apply the materials of this course, you'll be healthier, happier and living the life you are meant to live. 

In fact, if you do your part and apply the material, we even guarantee that...

  • You know how to discover, create and deepen your personal practice so you can live your heart's desire and manifest spectacular results

  • You have more energy, feel more alive and connected to your "core energy"

  • Your awareness of who you are and what you're really here to do has skyrocketed! You walk through the world with purpose and the Universe responds accordingly!

  • You know how to release yourself from the grip of any negative emotion or pattern of behaviour using the "3Rs technique"

  • Your relationships have taken on a deeper sense of love and connection!

  • You know how to manifest the life you are meant to live!

Click here to get your copy of The Power Of Practice right now!

So Why Are You Doing This?

The reason we're giving you such a bold guarantee is that we know that diligent practice of this material will change your life forever.  But even though we can guarantee the power of this material, we cannot guarantee that you will follow through and use it. 

We're happy to do this for you with one serious stipulation - you have to agree to play your part and follow through on the program.  That's only fair.

And if after 60 days you honestly feel you've done your part and you still are not 100% satisfied, then Kevin and I don't deserve to keep your money.  As long as you explain that you have followed through on the material, simply return the product for an immediate no-hassle refund.

What Are You Waiting For?

The world needs what you have to offer!

If you've tried to apply the law of attraction in your life and felt there was some room for improvement, you're going to love your new perspective on this. 

Download your very own copy of "The Power Of Practice" program now and get started right away.  It's jam packed with everything you need to know so you can develop your personal practice and live the life YOU are meant to live.

Click here to get your copy of The Power Of Practice right now!

Happy practicing,

Matt & Kevin

Matt Clarkson & Kevin Schoeninger

P.S.  Now is the time for you to discover what they never told you in "The Secret".  Now is the time for you to take your dreams and make them real with The Power Of Practice

P.P.S.  Remember your order is backed by our 100% risk-free guarantee.  If for whatever reason you're not thrilled with this program, just return the course within 60 days of receipt for a no-questions-asked full refund (as long as you've followed through on your part of our agreement and practiced the material).  We can't be fairer than that, can we?  So what are you waiting for

Click here to get your copy of The Power Of Practice right now!

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I'm Brent Webb, Author of The Golden Key!

When I first heard about the Law of Attraction I was thrilled!  I couldn't wait to begin attracting all of my DESIRES.  Unfortunately that didn't happen so easily.  I tried and tried, but I had minimal success.  So I began researching, studying, and practicing many concepts until I finally found a system that actually worked.  I developed a four point system, "The Golden Key," that completely changed my life.  I would now like to pass my success on to you. 

Introducing-  The Golden Key E-Book

The Golden Key
Learn to Master the Law of Attraction!

Why is it Important to be Magnetic


Why is it important to be Magnetic?

When I am focused upon serving or assisting people I am very magnetic.
Why is it important to be Magnetic?

Because anything I accomplish is the direct or indirect result of someone else's help. Always has been always will be.

Sounds odd, I know. 

These past weeks I have found this to be true on more than one occasion.

I have been blessed to have many great teachers in my life.  Some you may have heard of and many (you reading this may even have taught me something) you may never know.

Recently my life has become a whirlwind of activity.
Many times it seems emotionally more than I can handle. 

This is when I get on the phone to my publicist Linda Marie.

I speak in sound bites, short and too the point.  Forgetting that she may have challenges and things she needs to share.  My mind races and I forget that listening is the great art of any business relationship.
She wrote a blog that got my attention.  It is about what I preach and recently found myself not practicing, basically chunking big projects down.

Here is the blog.  I swear she wrote it for me (lol)

There are so many people looking for ways to put their plans into action. They know what they want; they just don't know how to start. I know you have heard a million times just start but it doesn't seem to help anything. I have a one, two, three, approach to my daily life.

1. I start each day with me. What do I need to do today to take care of my needs? I found that if I dress as if I am going to be in public even if I am not I connect with people on a more professional level. I have to feel good about me in order to send the right message to those people I am working with.

2. I have a system of time management I stick with everyday. It is my 1. 2. 3. File, all ones get 15 mins and that is it. I have 15 mins for that task and it is done. Two's are the projects which are going to at up to an hour and they are in a file that I work on three times a week, but I can only do two of them on a day I am working with that file. My threes are in a file of things which are going to take some time to complete and I work on them twice a week. I give myself either the morning or the afternoon to work that file and keep the project in the file until it is finished.

3. The rest of the time I spend doing marketing and talking with people on the phone or online. I set a goal for the day as to how many new contacts I want to make for that day and I don't stop until I have made them.

That is what has worked for me.

Love, hope & faith.

Linda Marie

Linda is a Certified Hypnotherapist with a dozen websites and several other clients.
One of my favorites is her Small Business Therapy site She is also the Owner of Majik Mirror Productions

So today I am "chunking down" my projects because I discovered my lack of enthusiasm about certain projects is my soul’s way of directing me to another path.

To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace ease and lightness. By "chunking down" my projects, books, blogs etc. I am no longer overwhelmed.

The most important thing I can remember today is this,

Every step I take toward a goal, no matter how big or small pays a dividend.

Most importantly is that I help others with the gifts and blessings that have been bestowed upon me

Giving is living and what you give you get to keep.

So being Magnetic and giving is a reaction to the Law of Attraction

Our New Keys to be Magnetic (if we choose)

1. Success means successful living.  More info here

2. When you are peaceful joyous and happy and doing what you love to do you are successful.

3. Your thoughts fused with feeling becomes a belief and according to your belief you will be magnetic drawing to yourself the people and tools you need at that moment to achieve your major definite purpose.

4. Repeat the word “success” frequently to yourself daily with feeling and emotion.

5.  When you give, if you complain about giving it stops the flow of your magnetic attraction

To be truly Magnetic a successful man is not selfish his main desire in life is to serve humanity.

Peace be with you

Timothy Kendrick

Join Me On The Site Your Other Self

Retrain Your Brain with Timothy Kendrick

free e-book Manifest a Miracle Click here

Tips to Transform Your Body Faster by Debbie Rocker


Tips to Transform Your Body Faster

There are a few things that you can do besides eating well and exercising that will expedite your physical transformation:
1. Stay positive
Believe that transformation is possible even when you haven’t seen the changes that you want yet. I am sure that you can site many examples in your life where you didn’t expect something to happen and then whoa, there it was. If you don’t have enough evidence of your own, look around you. Do you know someone who thought they’d never get the job, meet that special person, or lose the weight, and then they did? Haven’t you read amazing stories about people overcoming obstacles and creating tremendous transformation in their lives, many against great odds? These are just people too, like you and me; anyone can overcome.
There is one thing that you can be sure of in life, and that is change. Make sure yours happens quickly, and in the way you want, by staying positive and then taking the steps that you know you should take.
2. Stay in the moment
If you think about your end results, the work becomes overwhelming. Just do what you know you can do today, and when tomorrow becomes today, you’ll deal with that.
3. Keep your expectations low
Don’t expect too much too soon, you’ll only get discouraged. Aiming high is nice to say but truly it is easier to stay positive if you set your sites on realistic, smaller goals.
4. Eliminate temptation
Remove distractions like foods that you don’t want to eat and people who have habits that you are trying to break. Surround yourself with people and materials that mirror the changes that you want for yourself. Hang out with happy, healthy people, read inspiring books, and listen to some great music that motivates you to get moving and take action.
5. Stop using excuses
There are always excuses; I am sure you have heard, or used, them all. When your desire to change becomes greater than your fear of changing, the excuses will go away -- nothing will stop you from becoming the new you. Even though you may not be able to change the underlying reasons why you haven’t yet accomplished your goals, you can start by removing some of the actions and thought processes that encourage you to stay stuck. Enough with the excuses!
Peace and Happy Trails –
Debbie Rocker



Click here to learn the REAL secrets to attract your dream life!

Smoking riskier to women's hearts than men's

By MARIA CHENG, AP Medical Writer

Women typically get heart disease much later than men, but not if they smoke, researchers said Tuesday.

In fact, women who smoke have heart attacks more than a dozen years earlier than women who don't smoke, Norwegian doctors reported in a study presented to the European Society of Cardiology. For men, the gap is not so dramatic; male smokers have heart attacks about six years earlier than men who don't smoke.

"This is not a minor difference," said Dr. Silvia Priori, a cardiologist at the Scientific Institute in Pavia, Italy. "Women need to realize they are losing much more than men when they smoke," she said. Priori was not connected to the research.

Dr. Morten Grundtvig and colleagues from the Innlandet Hospital Trust in Lillehammer, Norway, based their study on data from 1,784 patients admitted for a first heart attack at a hospital in Lillehammer.

Their study found that the men on average had their first heart attack at age 72 if they didn't smoke, and at 64 if they did. Women in the study had their first heart attack at age 81 if they didn't smoke, and at age 66 if they did.

That works out to eight and 15 years, respectively, for men and women. After adjusting for other heart risk factors like blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes, researchers found that the difference for men was about six years for women about 14 years.

Previous studies looking at a possible gender difference have been inconclusive.

Doctors have long suspected that female hormones protect women against heart disease. Estrogen is thought to raise the levels of good cholesterol as well as enabling blood vessel walls to relax more easily, thus lowering the chances of a blockage.

Grundtvig said that smoking might make women go through menopause earlier, leaving them less protected against a heart attack. With rising rates of smoking in women — compared with falling rates in men — Grundtvig said that doctors expect to see increased heart disease in women.

"Smoking might erase the natural advantage that women have," said Dr. Robert Harrington, a professor of medicine at Duke University and spokesman for the American College of Cardiology.

Doctors aren't yet sure if other cardiac risk factors like cholesterol and obesity also affect women differently.

"The difference in how smoking affects women and men is profound," Harrington said. "Unless women don't smoke or quit, they risk ending up with the same terrible diseases as men, only at a much earlier age."


On the Net:

FreshStart - Stop Smoking In One Hour



Why You're Not Achieving Your Goals.

Why You're Not Achieving Your Goals.

Do you have a fridge covered in affirmations, and a library full of self help books and CDs? Have you spent weekends in workshops, leaving all warm and fuzzy after a final group hug?

Your way is paved with good intentions, but your goals remain, well ... goals!

Would you like to know why?

Somewhere deep inside, you just don't believe it. It's not you. It happens to other people, but that just isn't your kind of luck.

Look at it this way. There are short, overweight, not-so-good-looking people dating glam mag models. There are poor folks who've struck it rich. Old people do stuff no one half their age should be able to do. People with zip education land top jobs. It happens all the time.

Achieving goals - indeed any kind of success - has nothing to do with looks, age, ability ... none of those factors are making the difference.

For some folks, a challenge makes them give up, but for others it just makes them reach deeper inside and find more strength.

When you were very tiny, big grown ups who probably truly loved you told you what you were like. They'd clap with delight when you did something cool and tell you how clever you were. The same people would scold you for being clumsy if you tipped your milk over Aunt Fuss-botty's best dress.

They meant well, and you may have forgotten it now, but some of those messages - the plus ones and the minuses - hit home.

That's your Core Image, and if you're not achieving your goals what you need to do is put some new messages in there.

Affirmations like, "I am a success, I am a success" is like standing in the briar patch and declaring there are no weeds if you don't feel it to be true from the core of your being.

There is now a way to make these changes - it's done with an ingenious bit of light self hypnosis called "The Core Image Process." You just gently take yourself back to when you were tiny and susceptible to believing what you were told and "install" any new message you like!

It's very simple, yet astonishingly powerful.

Right now, The Core Image Process is included in "Master Success Secrets."

Believe in yourself, and your goals - and all your dreams - will start to come true!
Click this link now for all the details of Master Success Secrets

To your success

Timothy Kendrick

A Message from Laura Silva

Silva Life System - Claim Your Destiny

Life is hard.

Astronomical oil prices… Unending news of recession… A merciless rat race… Estranged family members… A chronic inability to meet your roles as parent, spouse and worker… A world of uncertainty and fear…

Worst, life is harder — on the inside.

Stress stacked upon stress. Past traumas crippling you. Destructive bad habits you’re unable to break. Tormented by loneliness and depression. Ruthless diseases ravaging your body, mind and soul.

Who can save our souls?
What if I tell you I may have a solution.

Picture this — you have a problem. Any kind of problem, really.

A bad habit to break. An unresolved work problem. Breakdown of communication with your spouse. Or just plain stress.

Now imagine being able to close your eyes — and within 30 seconds — you magically are able to find the strength to overcome that habit, inspiration to solve that work problem, grace to bridge the divide with your spouse.

And melt away stress, once and for all.

But first, let me briefly tell you who I am:

My name is Laura Silva. I’m one of the creators behind Silva Life System, a brand-new breakthrough personal development program based on the remarkable principles of the Silva Method—the world’s most popular self-empowerment program.

But more importantly, I’m the daughter of the illustrious founder, my beloved dad Jose Silva — who people credit as a the father of modern meditation.

I Present to You the Silva Method
50 Years of Research & Development.
One Million Graduates Worldwide.
10 Million Books Sold.

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Programs That Offer Affordable Assistance

Growth Central is dedicated to an integral approach to personal growth and relationships. An integral approach to personal growth and relationships suggests that there are three particularly important elements of human consciousness: states, stages, and shadow. States of consciousness include the normal states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping, and also span the spectrum of spiritual experiences, from gross, to subtle, to causal, to nondual. What all states share is that they are temporary, and for the most part can be accessed, through, meditation, contemplative prayer, mind machines, binaural brainwave entrainment, (or simply by chance), in just about any order. Stages of consciousness range from egocentric, to ethnocentric, to worldcentric, to kosmocentric, to pneumocentric, to energocentric, and will affect how one interprets and understands various states. Stages are permanent acquisitions of the psyche, they unfold in a developmental order, and the sequence cannot be bypasses. The shadow elements of consciousness are those first-person impulses that, for whatever reason, have not been owned by an individual, and therefore appear in consciousness as “not self” (“I’m not angry, but my boss sure is,” or “I’m not angry, but I sure am depressed.”)
Growth Central information products and integral online programs for
Growth Central - Assertiveness
Growth Central - Anxiety
Growth Central - Addiction Recovery
Growth Central - Binge/Compulsive Eating
Growth Central - Depression
Growth Central - Stress Management
Growth Central - Self Esteem
Growth Central - Relationships
The integration of your mind paying close attention to primitive and evolved brain structure functioning as well as synchronization of the left and right brain hemispheres. We understand the importance of unconditional love and acceptance on both the spiritual and psychotherapy paths. Without that larger perspective, without that love of the whole person just as they are, you can get stuck doing “endless psychotherapy.” But once placed in that context of unconditional acceptance, you can use the same old human “stuff” (guilt, anger, shame, etc) that we all bring to the path as grist for the mill, and fuel for real integral growth and consciousness.
I am Greatly moved by what these people do.

Peace Be With You

Timothy Kendrick

Enhance Your Financial Intelligence

Enhance Your Financial Intelligence

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