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10 Habits You Must Quit to Be Happy

10 Habits You Must Quit to Be Happy
from http://www.marcandangel.com
10 Habits You Must Quit to Be Happy
When you quit doing the wrong things, you make more room for the things that make you happy.  So starting today…

1.  Quit procrastinating on your goals.

Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it.  Action and change are often resisted when they're needed most.  Get a hold of yourself and have discipline.  Putting something off instantly makes it harder and scarier.  What we don't start today won't be finished by tomorrow.  And there's nothing more stressful than the perpetual lingering of an unfinished task.
The secret to getting ahead is simply getting started.  Starting, all by itself, is usually sufficient to build enough momentum to keep the ball rolling.  So forget about the finish line and just concentrate on taking your first step.  Say to yourself, "I choose to start this task with a small, imperfect step."  All those small steps will add up and you'll actually get to see changes fairly quickly.  Read Getting Things Done.

2.  Quit blaming others and making excuses.

Stop blaming others for what you have or don't have, or for what you feel or don't feel.  When you blame others for what you're going through, you deny responsibility and perpetuate the problem.  Stop giving your power away and start taking responsibility for your life.  Blaming is just another sorry excuse, and making excuses is the first step towards failure; you and only you are responsible for your life choices and decisions.

3.  Quit trying to avoid change.

If nothing ever changed there would be no sunrise the next morning.  Most of us are comfortable where we are even though the whole universe is constantly changing around us.  Learning to accept this is vital to our happiness and general success.  Because only when we change, do we grow, and begin to see a world we never knew was possible.
And don't forget, however good or bad a situation is now, it will change.  That's the one thing you can count on.  So embrace it, and realize that change happens for a reason.  It won't always be easy or obvious at first, but in the end it will be worth it.

4.  Quit trying to control the uncontrollable.

If you try to control everything, and then worry about the things you can't control, you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of frustration and misery.
Some forces are out of your control, but you can control how you react to things.  Everyone's life has positive and negative aspects – whether you're happy or not depends greatly on which aspects you focus on.  The best thing you can do is to let go of what you can't control, and invest your energy in the things you can – like your attitude.

5.  Quit talking down to yourself.

Nothing will bring you down quicker than berating yourself.  The mind is a superb instrument if used right, but when used incorrectly, it becomes very destructive.  Be aware of your mental self-talk.  We all talk silently to ourselves in our heads, but we aren't always conscious of what we're saying or how it's affecting us.
As Henry Ford once stated, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right."  One of the major causes of why we fail is due to self-doubt and negative self-talk.  The way to overcome negative thoughts and destructive emotions is to develop opposing, positive emotions that are stronger and more powerful.  Listen to your self-talk and replace negative thoughts with positive ones, over time you will change the trajectory of your life.  Read The How of Happiness.

6.  Quit criticizing others.

The negativity you bleed out toward others will gradually cripple your own happiness.  When you truly feel comfortable with your own imperfections, you won't feel threatened or offended by the imperfections you see in other people.
So stop worrying about the flaws you see in everyone else, and focus on yourself.  Let the constant growth and improvement in your own life keep you so busy that you have no time left to criticize others.

7.  Quit running from your problems and fears.

Trust me, if everyone threw their problems in a pile for you to see, you would grab yours back.  Tackle your problems and fears swiftly, don't run away from them.  The best solution is to face them head on no matter how powerful they may seem.
Fears, in particularly, stop you from taking chances and making decisions.  They keep you confined to just the small space where you feel completely comfortable.  But your life's story is simply the culmination of many small, unique experiences, many of which require you to stretch your comfort zone.  Letting your fears and worries control you is not 'living,' it's merely existing.
Bottom line:  Either you own your problems and fears, or they will ultimately own you.

8.  Quit living in another time and place.

Some people spend their entire lives trying to live in another time and place.  They lament about what has been, what they could have done, or what might become.  However, the past is gone, and the future doesn't exist.  No matter how much time we spend thinking and lamenting about either, it doesn't change anything.
One of life's sharpest paradoxes is that our brightest future hinges on our ability to pay attention to what we're doing right now, today.
We need to live more in the moment.  Living in the moment requires active, open, intentional awareness on the present.  Don't fantasize about being on vacation while at work, and don't worry about the work piling up on your desk when you're on vacation.  Live for now.  Notice the beauty unfolding around you.

9.  Quit trying to be someone you're not.

One of the greatest challenges in life is being yourself in a world that's trying to make you like everyone else.  Someone will always be prettier, someone will always be smarter, someone will always be younger, but they will never be you.  Don't change so people will like you.  Be yourself and the right people will love you, and you'll love yourself more too.  The Road Less Traveled.

10.  Quit being ungrateful.

Not all the puzzle pieces of life will seem to fit together at first, but in time you'll realize they do, perfectly.  So thank the things that didn't work out, because they just made room for the things that will.  And thank the ones who walked away from you, because they just made room for the ones who won't.
No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your life.  Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs.  Instead of thinking about what you're missing, try thinking about what you have that everyone else is missing.
Photo by: Jamie Adams
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How to Tap into 90% of Your Brainpower

Studies have shown that the subconscious mind controls more than 90 percent of our behaviors. And did you heard of the myth that humans only uses 10% of our brain power. Therefore, it is really vital to tap into 90% of our brainpower in order to live a greater and more effective life. Stimulating the subconscious mind is not an easy job. It requires great commitment, determination and even passion to do so. Even though it might not be easy but is it not impossible. There are many advices readily available to guide you to achieve the outcome. Some might argued than working on your physical health is important, but the truth is, your brain is much more vital than any parts of your body.
One method to stimulate the subconscious mind is via self hypnosis. This is one of the methods which has been spread around the globe for decades and is still very popular now. Even though there are now many new methods developed in the market due to scientific modernization and technological advancement, self hypnosis has not lose any of its reliability in the hearts of people. As there are various methods developed for the stimulation of the subconscious mind, we should not just stick to this particular method to achieve our purpose.  However, it is advisable to apply self hypnosis as a foundation for other more advance methods. The reason being; Self hypnosis is proved to be less effective as compare to other methods.
The second method that we can use to stimulate the subconscious mind is to utilize brainwave entrainment technology products to boost the power of our mind. This method requires the use of subliminal tools like subliminal messaging, which can easily be obtained online. To activate the subconscious mind, you will need to psycho your rational mind and thinking to believe that there are no messages existing at the moment. If you successfully instruct your mind do so, subliminal messages will then subconsciously enter your subconscious mind. This is one of the best methods to stimulate your subconscious mind without much hassle and needless to say, its ease of use.
Brainwave entrainment tools such as DVDs and CDs are widely used by people across the glove for entertainment and learning purposes despite the fact that not everyone knows how those equipments work to activate the subconscious mind. Countries like USA are earning lots of money on sales of brainwave entrainment equipments which are specially cater to help people who have an interest on brain development techniques.
There are numerous of methods available out there in the market which can be used to stimulate the subconscious mind. You can get access to them by searching them online or at the library. The rich resources which is available differs in terms of complexity and the convenience of using those methods. Bear in mind that personal development always start with a decision to change and to carry out this change, you have to change the way of thinking.

Overcoming FEAR (False Expectations about Reality

Inspire a Fresh Beginning
There are many popular acronyms for the word "fear" but my favorite is "False Expectations about Reality."  This acronym is powerful because it reminds us that many of our worries are about future events that will never come to pass.  False expectations about future reality are obstacles to success.  They sap our energy and take our focus away from actions that would help us realize our dreams.
According to Psychology Today, each of us has between 25,000 and 50,000 thoughts per day.  When the majority of these thoughts are negative, they can shape our mood, motivation and ability to succeed.
Here are some of the false expectations that used to run through my mind – do they sound familiar?
  • I'll never find a loving relationship that will last.
  • If I don't work harder, I'll lose my job.
  • Someday I'll end up homeless.
  • There's no use trying because I'll fail.
  • I won't succeed because I'm not good enough.
Motivational experts say that we need to stop false expectations from looping through our minds if we want our dreams to become a reality.  Once you become aware that these thoughts are not based on reality, you can begin to work on replacing them with positive thoughts and plans for actions.  Although we can't always control our moods, we can definitely control our thoughts.
To overcome false expectations that have become obstacles, you must first identify them.  Do you have persistent negative beliefs that are keeping you from realizing your hopes and dreams?  It may help to track your negative and fear-based thoughts for a few days to see how often they occur.  One way to do this is with a thought journal where you take stock of your negative thinking at the end of the day.  Pay particular attention to the number of times you focused on problems rather than solutions.  Also try to identify the triggers that set your negative thinking in motion.
Not all fear is based on false expectations.  Some fears are real and are based on circumstances that are grounded in reality.  These fears can force us to make decisions and take action.  How to differentiate between false expectations and real worries that are based in reality? Evaluate the probability of a fear coming true in the near future and decide if facing it will bring you closer to realizing your dreams.
Once you have a better understanding about your negative thoughts, replace worries about the future with positive thoughts that are based in the present.  For example, instead of thinking you will never be able to lose weight because you can't give up the fattening food that you love, begin to think of yourself as a healthy person who has a healthy diet and enjoys exercise.  It may seem silly to think this way when it's not true, but positive thoughts can have a powerful influence on the subconscious.  Over time, your new way of thinking will begin to control your actions and create a new reality.
Making lists of the good things in your life is another way to begin thinking more positively.  You'll find it easier to stay motivated when your thinking is inspired by positivity.  If you do encounter failure, learn to see it as a bump in the road rather than a roadblock.  It may slow you down, but don't let it stop you.
I was able to overcome many of my negative thought patterns by reading some of the literature about positive thinking.  The Power of Optimism by Alan Loy McGinnis was an important book for me.  Other authors who cover the subject of positive thinking include Martin Seligman, M. Scott Peck, Dale Carnegie and Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (who many credit as the founder of the positive thinking movement).
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Catie Watson is a freelance writer from Huntington Beach, California. Catie's life experience provides her with a rich source of inspiration and expertise. She has studied fashion design and worked as a costumer in theater and on films. She is also a software engineer and was part of the team that developed the original attractions for EPCOT Center at Walt Disney World. Catie has published dozens of online articles on subjects as diverse as technology, fashion, design, family, business, fitness and camping. She has completed copy writing assignments for online stores, contributes to several blogs and has been published in magazines, including Runway and HERLIFE.


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