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How Self-Esteem Affects Our Confidence

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How Self-Esteem Affects Our Confidence
Our self-belief has a profound effect on our confidence and on the quality of our lives. If a person believes that he lacks basic skills to solve problems then he may lose heart and give up. In contrast, a person who has less abilities but who believes in himself stands a much better chance of being successful. This is because his self-belief gives him the confidence to try.
Have you ever wondered why only a few students in a class ask questions? Is it because the others have understood all the points made during a lecture? Or is it because they lack the confidence to ask a question? More often than not, it is the fear of making a fool of themselves that stops students from asking questions. In other words, they lack self-confidence. The only way this confidence can improve is when they start believing in themselves.
This is why self-belief is so important. It gives an individual the confidence to aim for the moon. It overwhelms negative thoughts, and drives away the fear of failure. It is the best antidote against self-flagellation, which turns several talented persons into under-achievers. It gives the students the confidence that they have nothing to loose. On the contrary, they realize that they have everything to gain by asking a question, even if it happens to be a silly question.
Abraham Lincoln is a fine example of a man who believed in himself. He lost every election until he went to the Senate and stood for the post of the President. He did not allow his failures in professional and personal life to erode his self-belief. Had he done so, the history of the US would have been different.
Self-belief gives us the confidence to accept failure. It teaches us the importance of positive thinking. Those who have self-esteem don't talk about failures; instead, they try to find out why they did not succeed. They look for lessons that can be learnt from their experience. This is not a simple issue of semantics. It is the power of positive thinking, and it is available to only those who have self-esteem.
Once again it is self-esteem that gives us the confidence to enter a new group, and become a part of it. Those who lack self-esteem are very reluctant to approach a new group. They don't want to expose themselves to the ridicule of being seen as shy, nervous or ignorant. They would instead prefer to stay in their corners.
In fact, lack of self-esteem stands out like a sore thumb at parties, at meetings, at conferences and at social or official functions. Individuals with low self-esteem avoid introducing themselves to others. They prefer to stay in the shadows, away from the sights of others. However, their colleagues who enjoy high self-esteem dominate the discussions. They are sought after by others for information. They are also invited to other meetings and parties -- all because their self-esteem gives them the confidence to open up before a group of strangers. It is the same student syndrome that is reflected in an individual's working life too.
Low self-esteem also lowers an individual's self-confidence. He takes to liquor or drugs to boost his confidence artificially. Nothing can be more futile or dangerous. Such behavior further destroys an individual's self-esteem. The best way to break out of this pitiable situation is to build self-esteem, which is not easy.  The individual has few options but to begin life afresh. The best is to look for a new workplace and a new set of friends, because it is easy to deal with people who have no preconceived notions about you.
But nothing will work until the individual develops self-respect and the self-belief that he is as good as others. He must realize that he is not the only one who has strong and weak points; the others too suffer from the same defects. The only difference is that the others project their strong points whereas he projects his weak points. All that he needs is to refocus his priorities. He will find the elusive self-confidence.



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Your 4th Mind Technique!

Your  Ideal Day
5-Step Action Plan!"

... Yes, of course it's F'ree :-)

You can find it Here. 

Then come back to this email to  pick up:
Your 4th Mind Technique! 

Today I'll show you the huge benefits  of using
'Repetitive Writing'.

Aaaargh! Now stay with me here...

The Repetitive Writing mind technique  is not as
'exciting' as some of the other  techniques, but
its benefits far outweigh the 10 minutes that it
will take you to  complete this task!

Writing out your desires over and over  again will
further influence your  subconscious mind -- which
if you haven't  guessed by now is the KEY to
achieving all  your desires and dreams. Yes, all
of them!

This mind technique takes different aspects  from:

1) Affirmation Imprinting (creating  powerful,
effective statements of your  desired outcomes..

2) Subliminal Messaging (flooding your
subconscious mind every day with your  desired
outcomes) and..

3) Ideal Day Generation (unleashing the  magic of
writing down your thoughts and  feelings)....

Like I said earlier, the actual 'process'  of
writing down your statements will  become boring
very quickly.  

I urge you to do it anyway.  

Is brushing your teeth fun?  Hardly,  but you do
it anyway because you want  your teeth to be and
feel healthy (and  to avoid the drill next time
you visit  the dentist!)

It seems that mean old 3rd grade teacher ALMOST
got it right....

She, like most people using affirmations,
structured the statements incorrectly.   She
focused on the negative.

Like when she told you to write the  sentence "I
will not talk in class" fifty  times on the

As you already know, the subconscious sees  in
images and can't visualize the word "not."  

In the example I just gave you, all it  recognizes
and "sees" are images of "I",  "talk", and "in

The well-meaning teacher thereby "reinforces  the
exact opposite behavior than she had  intended".  

And guess what happened the next day?  

You got in trouble for talking in class  again!
And how did the teacher discipline  you?  

You guessed it.  She had you writing those
sentences again, unknowingly reinforcing  your
negative behavior!

As you know, to re-program your mind  effectively
with 'positive' behaviors,  I wholeheartedly
recommend the success  accelerator videos.

Imagine having thousands of positive  life
altering affirmations flooding your  subconscious
mind every day?

It's very powerful. 

So let's now put this information into  practical


STEP 1:  Just Three...

Pick a maximum of three behaviors you  would like
to change.

Ideally, you would want to work on just  one
first, until you started to see your  intended
desires materialize, before  moving onto other

And if you really want to accelerate the  process,
pick the same goal as the one  you are working on
with your Affirmation  Imprinting.

STEP 2:  Meet the 3 "P's"

Make sure that your sentence is formatted

This is the exact same step you used when  you
created your affirmations.  

To recap, your sentence should be personal,
positive, and present tense.

STEP 3:  A private book

Buy a spiral notebook.  You will be using  this to
write your sentences in.  Having  a central place
is much more effective  than writing on whatever
scrap of paper  you happen to find.  

Sometimes you won't remember if you wrote  your
sentences out that morning or not.   Having one
place to look to find out will  solve this.

STEP 4:  Make your statement 'real'

Write the date at the top of the page  and write
your sentence over and over  again on each line
until it fills up  the entire page.   

An average spiral notebook is between  25-30 lines
per page side.

From personal experience I find this to  be the
perfect amount of times to write  your sentence.

You will do this exercise first thing  each
morning, and then again just before  going to
sleep at night.  

Once your subconscious mind fully absorbs  the
statement you are trying to send it  and provides
you with the tools to make  it a reality -- only
then would you  start with your next desired

** Remember**: Repetition influences your
subconscious  mind - and influencing your
subconscious  belief system (with your desired
outcome)  is the golden *key* to reaching your
goals  and dreams.

This is why subliminal messaging can  have such a
powerful - and unexpected  impact on people's

In the next lesson, we will learn about  one of my
all-time favorite Mind  techniques:  "Creative

Take care,
Richard A. Luck
Success Accelerator Subliminal Videos

Mind Technique #3

Ok! In Lesson 2 you learned about Subliminal
Messaging, which is unique in that it involves
very little effort on your part and creates the
mindset you desire quickly.

You can learn more about it here:
www.Subliminal-videos com

Mind Technique #3 is very exciting!
It's called: 'Your Ideal Day Generation'

This mind technique can be THE most important
thing you can do to achieving your dreams.

It doesn't need to be performed as often as
the others, but its impact is inspiring,
powerful, and long lasting. 

A certain magic occurs when you place pen
to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and
document what you are feeling or thinking

In a sense, your written thoughts and
feelings become more "alive".


If I asked you to describe to me your ideal
day right now, could you easily give me the

Chances are that you couldn't. 

And this is a HUGE problem because if we
can't see our goals, wants and desires
*clearly* our subconscious mind can't help
us achieve them.

Saying that I want to have lots of money
someday doesn't give the subconscious a
definitive target to aim for. 

How much is lots of money?  $500? 
$50,000?  $5,000,000?  And when will
"someday" be? 

In a month?  A year?  Ten years?  Next


To raise the odds of having the life
you always wanted, you must first write
down exactly how you would like that life
to be. 

Makes sense, right? 

It's going to serve as your guiding light. 
Whenever faced with a decision, you will
now be able to think:

"Will choosing this bring me closer or
further away from My Ideal Day?" 

This should quicken the time it takes to
make decisions...

...and will GREATLY improve the choices that
you make!

Not only that - but it will be your
"snapshot" into the future.

When you are struggling and feeling
defeated, you can always go back to
your Ideal Day and get motivation from it.


The Ideal Day Generation mind technique
will really get your imagination going. 

It should be exciting and FUN. 

Kind of like writing to Santa. :-)

You get to write down ANYTHING at all that
you would like in your ideal day. 


Never limit your ideas - especially when
it comes to wealth.  Is it possible for
you to have 200 million dollars in the bank? 
Yes, it is possible and that's all your
subconscious needs to know. 

And don't worry about how you will make the
events in your Ideal Day come true.  That's
exactly what your subconscious mind will be
working on. 

You worry about the 'WHAT' and your
subconscious (along with the powerful
universal laws of attraction!) will worry
about the 'HOW'.


** The above sentence is absolutely critical.
Please read it again, because I cannot
underscore the importance of this enough. **

Now, your Action Plan for designing Your
Perfect Ideal Day involves 5 important steps ...

To make sure you get the *most* benefit from
this great technique, I have outlined ALL 5
steps for you at my blog!
Go there right now and check them out!

In all due seriousness...

...this particular mind technique can
take you one BIG LEAP forward in
accomplishing your deepest dreams and

So visit here now to pick up "Your Ideal
Day 5-Step Action Plan!"

Yours in success,
Richard A. Luck

P.S. The responses coming in for the
Success Accelerator Subliminal Videos
is phenomenal!

(in fact I may even share some "success
stories" with you soon... :-)

Get a copy yourself, you will be
surprised with the fast effects...
www.Subliminal-videos com


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