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Career Planning Made Easy

View north along the spine of the Rock of Gibr...Image via Wikipedia

If you are one of the millions of people who get an unexpected pink slip, the fact that you are
getting laid off can be terrifying.

It doesn’t have to be that way, but many people don’t prepare
themselves for the eventuality of a career change and prefer instead to coast through life. When
market forces or a major illness interrupt their career, they may have no idea how to start a new
Let’s be clear, you can switch into another career quickly, but not if you don’t plan your
strategies way ahead of time. Once the emergency hits, you won’t have the calm head required
to look at all your options objectively.

So, don’t wait until something happens to force you out of
your career, be proactive and start looking at ways to manage a potential career change even if
your job seems as secure as the rock of Gibraltar.

Get Career Planning Made Easy. Isn't your Career worth $1.99 dollars

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