- 36 Best Black Friday Deals on Outdoor Gear (2023): REI, Garmin, and More
- Scientists want to fix tooth decay with stem cells
- YouTube's first AI-generated music tools can clone artist voices and turn hums into melodies
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The best books of 2021
- Streaming services are helping Arab producers liven up television
- GM's Cruise Rethinks Its Robotaxi Strategy After Admitting a Software Fault in Gruesome Crash
- KAL's cartoon
- Inside the shared studio of Thom Yorke and Stanley Donwood
- Italy's new government needs to make deep economic reforms
- The mullet has had a resurgence in right-wing America
- The Complete History And Future of Robots
- Babysitting duties are stressing China's grandparents
- China's cancel culture is nationalist, not woke
- The deadly missile race in the Middle East
- Brutal urban warfare awaits Israel's army in Gaza
- The West struggles to respond forcefully to Russia's war in Ukraine
- A new archive preserves the creative legacy of the East Village
- The speech police are coming for social media
- Australia's energy transition is in trouble
- Could digital-payments systems help unseat the dollar?
- Germany's Christian Democrats are unsure whom to hug
- Rich countries hit $100bn climate finance goal two years late, data shows
- How to survive a superpower split
- Most children in poor countries are being failed by their schools
- Climate Changes Threatens Every Facet of U.S. Society, Federal Report Warns
- New industrial policies will not help economic stability
- Fernando Botero became famous for his over-size people and animals
- China's HiPhi debuts electric hatchback with a top speed of 186 MPH
- Loretta Lynn gave all struggling women a voice
- Britain's family-court system is overwhelmed
- Finland to close four border crossings with Russia over migration influx
- Mailchecker - Cross-language Temporary (Disposable/Throwaway) Email Detection Library. Covers 55 734+ Fake Email Providers
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Japan is preparing for a massive earthquake
- The meaning of relief for Aung San Suu Kyi
- Sweden wants to build an entire city from wood
- What the Supreme Court's New Ethics Code Lacks
- Meet Matus Vallo, Bratislava's hipster mayor-architect
- South Korea's suicide rate fell for years. Women are driving it up again
- Apple to Support Messaging Standard, Easing Google Conflict Over Green Text Bubbles
- Mario Terán was the man sent to kill Che Guevara
- Moviemaking and gamemaking are converging
- Erdogan's empire
- What if Hollywood blockbusters were remade as workplace dramas?
- Supreme Court Refuses to Revive Florida Law Restricting Drag Shows
- "Trading Places" and the challenge of troubling art of the past
- Could economic indicators give an early warning of a war over Taiwan?
- The 'Friends' family is mourning one of its own on social media
- The rapid loss of Antarctic sea ice brings grim scenarios into view
- Nvidia Develops New AI Chips, Again, to Keep Selling to China
- So sorry, celebrities, but you should take a tip from Emily Blunt before you offer an insincere apology | Rebecca Shaw
- The British government is not paying dementia enough attention
- Santiago Peña, a former economist, is Paraguay's next president
- Italy's protected sectors need exposure to more competition
- More than 100 killed in attack on Syrian military academy – video
- Political dysfunction in Northern Ireland is the new normal
- The promise of crypto has not lived up to its initial excitement
- KAL's cartoon
- Video: insights from the author
- This week's covers
- Production-ready Lucid Gravity SUV Claims 440-Mile Range - CNET
- Social Media Sleuths, Armed With AI, Are Identifying Dead Bodies
- China wants to change, or break, a world order set by others
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- What happens to comedy when British politics becomes a joke?
- Parenting can be bad for the kids
- There is more than one way to make green steel
- 'We have suffered': Spain women speak on struggles after Rubiales scandal – video
- California is losing people, but this region wouldn't know it
- The Kurds' dreams of independence look farther off than ever
- Gag Order Against Trump Paused in New York Civil Fraud Trial
- Britons are not all in it together (whatever they might think)
- From social-media stars to the Mexican army, everyone wants to run an airline
- This week's covers
- Republicans Heap Pressure on FDIC's Gruenberg Over Claims of Toxic Workplace
- 'Someone Is Using Photos of Me to Talk to Men'
- Traute Lafrenz showed that resistance to the Nazis was possible
- The 42 Best Movies on Netflix This Week
- Donors are already mulling a Marshall Plan for Ukraine
- Spain's prime minister secures his job, at a high cost
- Google's updated Titan security key can store up to 250 passkeys
- Should you fix your mortgage for ever?
- Richard Leakey established Kenya as a prime source of hominid fossils
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Do by-election results in Britain matter?
- Beneath France's revolts, hidden success
- In defence of credit-rating agencies
- Apple will offer RCS support starting in 2024
- Get Your Classic Doctor Who Fix for Free on Tubi
- Having shaken off nationalism, Europe risks civilisationalism
- After 12 years of blood, Assad's Syria rejoins the Arab League
- The US Wants China to Start Talking About AI Weapons
- Could feather bowling be the next pickleball?
- Russians have emigrated in huge numbers since the war in Ukraine
- Conservatives dominate Chile's constitutional assembly this time around
- George Orwell's horticultural sensibilities
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- An Armenian enclave inside Azerbaijan is on the point of starvation
- OnlyFans and Botox: US House panel claims Santos misused campaign funds
- April Ashley campaigned for rights hardly considered before
- David DePape found guilty in hammer attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband
- Best Black Friday Headphone Deals: Save Up to $90 on Beats, Samsung, Apple and More - CNET
- China hopes Mazu, a sea goddess, can help it win over Taiwan
- In praise of America's car addiction
- An advocate of sustainable capitalism explains how it's done
- Nadine Dorries on cabals, cosmetic work and Cameron's peerage: 'If you're an Etonian, someone just has a word with the king'
- Jewish Celebrities and Influencers Confront TikTok Executives in Private Call
- Latin American cities are struggling in the liveability ranking
- Some of the new king's realms may become republics
- US Congress Report Calls for Privacy Reforms After FBI Surveillance 'Abuses'
- Dozens arrested in San Francisco after ceasefire protest shuts down Bay Bridge
- This week's covers
- An inspiring, if frustrating, portrayal of the Williams sisters' coach and dad
- The Mirai Confessions: Three Young Hackers Who Built a Web-Killing Monster Finally Tell Their Story
- How China became a car-exporting juggernaut
- The future of fish farming is on land
- Weight-loss drugs are no match for the might of big food
- Canon tries to break ASML's grip on chipmaking tools
- When should Rishi Sunak call the next British election?
- How Russia has revived NATO
- A strike at Chevron shows a reinvigorated union movement
- Hedge fund Millennium prepares for life after founder Izzy Englander
- Russell Brand was the norm in the nasty noughties
- Keir Starmer bruised in fight with Labour party he did not want
- Silicon Valley is piling into the business of snooping
- The WIRED Guide to Digital Security
- Red Canary Mac Monitor - An Advanced, Stand-Alone System Monitoring Tool Tailor-Made For macOS Security Research
- 'Digital Discrimination' in the Crosshairs of New FCC Rule
- History will complicate King Charles's visit to Kenya
- An election that could make the global internet safer for autocrats
- Romance (as a category) is far from dead
- Watch This Guy Work, and You'll Finally Understand the TikTok Era
- Britain's surprising, upstart universities
- Britain has a growing problem with dangerous dogs
- What Is Quantum Computing? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Meet the Japanese Kurds
- AI could help unearth a trove of lost classical texts
- Wagner's customers will have to adjust to new leadership
- Canada's wildfires have burnt an area 16 times larger than normal
- Ukraine's counter-offensive is making progress, slowly
- Productivity has grown faster in western Europe than in America
- Ukrainian advances on Donetsk and Zaporizhia can be seen from space
- What a Bloody San Francisco Street Brawl Tells Us About the Age of Citizen Surveillance
- After a brutal campaign, Poland gets ready to vote
- A "Divine Comedy" ballet, 700 years after Dante's death
- El Salvador's authoritarian president is becoming a regional role model
- Spain PM Sánchez wins second term as amnesty uproar grows
- Africa's coups are part of a far bigger crisis
- Coming to America
- The rise and fall of class dysphoria in Britain
- Italy's hard-right government is starting to look more radical
- Why the Life Expectancy Gap between Men and Women Is Growing
- The world's population has reached 8bn. Don't panic
- SpaceX Granted FAA Permission for Second Starship Test Flight
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Xi Jinping is trying to fuse the ideologies of Marx and Confucius
- As Israel fights on in Gaza its dilemma gets worse
- TikTok and Instagram Beauty Filters Aren't Trying to Fool Anyone
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Fanatics and putschists are creating failed states in west Africa
- Xi Jinping worries that China's troops are not ready to fight
- 64% of Americans Are Missing Out on Hundreds in Savings Account Interest. Are You One of Them? - CNET
- 'Break free from the constraints!': how we see beauty – in pictures
- Brazil's hinterland now resembles Texas
- Is Ukraine's offensive stalling?
- Ohio's referendum is another win for abortion-rights campaigners
- What Crash? Black People Are Still Crypto's Biggest Believers
- Brexit was wrong, say 57% of British voters
- Israel's war economy is working—for the time being
- Another comeback for China's street merchants
- Which country's genius deserves the €200 note?
- James Lovelock changed the way human beings look at the Earth
- Climate anxious? Here's how you can turn apprehension into action
- Pressure grows on Premier League to crack down on club spending breaches
- Ian Hamilton masterminded one of the most daring heists of the last century
- Dvenom - Tool That Provides An Encryption Wrapper And Loader For Your Shellcode
- Netanyahu wages war and fights for his own survival
- Louis DeJoy's ambitious plans for America's postal service
- Singapore is the world leader in selling cultivated meat
- How to get ready for the end of the world
- Narendra Modi wants a lot more women in Indian politics
- Sacking Tucker Carlson has put a dent in Fox News's ratings
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- In Japan, festivals are boldly taking art into the countryside
- How to bring scents to the metaverse
- Are Canadian cities better than America's?
- Business
- Cherish your Uber drivers. Soon they will be robots
- Can Egypt be persuaded to accept Gazan refugees?
- Throughout the rich world, the young are falling out of love with cars
- Inside Mirai, the Hack that Broke the Internet
- How to Use AI to Talk to Whales—and Save Life on Earth
- Business
- SpaceX prepares for Starship's second test flight after securing FAA clearance
- Data Breaches: The Complete WIRED Guide
- Meta Allows Ads Claiming Rigged 2020 Election on Facebook, Instagram
- How long can property booms in Dubai and Riyadh last?
- M.S. Swaminathan, the man who fed India
- The 43 Best Shows on Netflix Right Now
- Ukraine prepares for winter again as Russia targets its power grid
- How to get the most out of mentoring
- Art, law, history and TV: Tusk's plan to remake Polish life after rightwing rule
- Britain is losing its way in cutting carbon
- Think You Have SAD? Think Again
- Stocks Continue to Rally, With Investors More Confident in a Soft Landing
- Italy needs to learn from other countries on structural changes
- A Hamas leader refuses to admit his group planned to kill civilians
- Is Vietnam's EV darling heading for a crash?
- Brazil's new president may soon face another threat: his predecessor
- Microsoft's Copilot AI is officially coming to Windows 10
- How to fix India's decrepit cities
- Google's AI-powered search tool can help tackle your holiday shopping
- Three in ten US adults still get their news from Facebook
- Ray Dalio is a monster, suggests a new book. Is it fair?
- Amazon Wants to Sell You a Car With Your Toilet Paper
- A mysterious attack in northern Kosovo rattles everyone
- Best books of 2023 — Science
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Politics
- Henry Kissinger and Eric Schmidt take on AI
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Keeping tabs on China's murky maritime manoeuvres
- AI is coming for our jobs! Could universal basic income be the solution?
- Green protectionism comes with big risks
- The world's least liveable cities are starting to improve
- Hudson Valley Weekend Trips: Where to Find the Region's Best New Restaurants, Hotels and Kombucha Sorbet
- The People's Liberation Army is not yet as formidable as the West fears
- There's a Reason a Killer Money-Saving AppStill Doesn'tExist
- Apple to Pay Up to $25 Million to Settle U.S. Discrimination Charges
- Should every schoolchild eat free?
- Unions Bring a Surprising Side Effect--Higher Vaccination Rates
- 'Stop this obscenity': could key UK summit turn tide on world hunger?
- The Taliban embrace cultural heritage
- Drugs to treat alcohol addiction are underused
- Even doctors can struggle to diagnose concussions
- Arm's successful debut may signal an end to the IPO drought
- Battles over streaming break out for video games
- The Supreme Court has found a gun-control measure it likes
- High bond yields imperil America's financial stability
- A landslip in Hong Kong fuels resentment of the rich
- Gaza City before and after: footage shows destruction wreaked by war – video
- Could the Israel-Hamas war trigger unrest across the Arab world?
- AI will change American elections, but not in the obvious way
- The flow of migrants into Chicago is a crisis and an opportunity
- Google pays Apple 36 percent of search advertising revenues from Safari
- Did bitcoin leak from an American spy lab?
- Europe, not America, is now Ukraine's largest backer
- US Privacy Groups Urge Senate Not to Ram Through NSA Spying Powers
- A genocidal militia is winning the war in Sudan
- How One Family's Pursuit of Tennis Success Ended in Heartache
- Taiwan will not surrender its semiconductor supremacy
- Carolyn Bryant's was the testimony that doomed Emmett Till
- How big is the role of luck in career success?
- An Ecuadorian presidential candidate is assassinated
- Elizabeth II never laid down the heavy weight of the crown
- "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" show that blockbusters could save the cinema
- Artificial brains are helping scientists study the real thing
- SunRay Kelley wanted to build in rhythm with nature, his teacher
- The One-State Delusion
- Khalifa Haftar will use Libya's floods to deepen his control
- Glencore-Led Group to Buy Teck's Coal Business
- Euro 2024 qualifying preview and Man Utd shake-up – Football Weekly Extra
- Politics hampers Delhi's fight against air pollution
- Business
- Douglas Lenat trained computers to think the old-fashioned way
- Jay Pasachoff travelled the world to catch the Moon eclipsing the Sun
- The best wireless headphones for 2023
- Good News on Children and Cancer
- The First Crispr Medicine Just Got Approved
- The market for dinosaur fossils is booming
- Silvio Berlusconi duped Italians for years
- India Plans to Change the Weather to Fight Back Against Deadly Smog
- Money and moderately good governance make climate-change adaptation easier
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The definition of Europe has always been both inspiring and incoherent
- Begun, the AI Chip Wars Have
- Business
- Bernardo Arévalo is still battling to become Guatemala's president
- America's next government shutdown could be the strangest yet
- America's missing doctors
- Lawsuits aimed at greenhouse-gas emissions are a growing trend
- Shoppers Are Finally Getting a Break on Prices
- Should women's football have different rules from men's?
- Crawlector - Threat Hunting Framework Designed For Scanning Websites For Malicious Objects
- Here's the Proof There's No Government Alien Conspiracy Around Roswell
- Tracking the Ukraine war: where is the latest fighting?
- KAL's cartoon
- A Canadian lake could mark the start of humanity's geological epoch
- What is The Economist's word of the year for 2021?
- Argentina could get its first libertarian president
- Why Britain's Treasury must change its ways
- Workers' rights were touted to be part of the Qatar World Cup's legacy. One year on, what has changed?
- This week's cover
- Pedro Pascal Could Be Marvel's Mr. Fantastic
- The culture wars have come to Canada
- New York's shelter system is being overwhelmed by migrants
- Artists hope to turn selfies into comets
- Arsenal - Just A Quick Inventory And Launcher For Hacking Programs
- Press freedom is under attack
- Zumba while hot-flashing? Exercise was hard enough before menopause | Shanti Nelson
- Will It or Won't It? Iceland's Volcano Threatens Eruption
- New industrial policies will make the world more unequal
- "You will always be 0% prepared": Ukraine's refugees on life far from home
- The legacy of Liz Truss
- States are becoming more brazen about killing foes abroad
- Beyond the Troubles: the women building hope along Derry's peace line – video
- The travails and bold aims of the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi
- Why are so many of the victims in Gaza children?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The world wants to regulate AI, but does not quite know how
- A retiring consultant's advice on consultants
- Small climate projects cannot take the place of all large ones
- Politics
- The global backlash against climate policies has begun
- Niger's putsch is bad for the country—and for the region
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- China praises 'warm' Xi-Biden meeting in change of rhetoric
- So long iPhone. Generative AI needs a new device
- Amazon Kicks Off Black Friday Early With Massive Savings on Echo Devices - CNET
- The pandemic has accelerated a global decline in the rule of law
- Parental Advisory: This Chatbot May Talk to Your Child About Sex and Alcohol
- Complexities of moderating and classifying video games
- America's big car firms face lengthy strikes
- Nitrogen wars: the Dutch farmers' revolt that turned a nation upside-down
- A lot can be done to adapt farming to near-term climate change
- Germany's new strategy for dealings with China
- Visualising India's record-breaking rainfall
- Nicolás Maduro, Venezuela's autocrat, is winning
- The hard-right Vox could be in Spain's next government
- The FCC will crack down on ISPs to address 'digital discrimination' in poorer areas
- Charlie Woods, son of Tiger, wins Florida high school golf title
- Mosquitoes, wasps and parasitic worms could help make injections less painful
- Land reform in Africa is challenging the power of chiefs
- This week's covers
- The GOP's Energizer Bunnies
- How an English miner's daughter rose to work in the White House
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- F.B.I. Raided Homes of Second Adams Aide and Ex-Turkish Airline Official
- The best television shows of 2021
- A new TB vaccine could save 8.5m lives over the next quarter of a century
- Array Collective, a group from Belfast, wins the Turner prize
- Paralysis in Congress makes America a dysfunctional superpower
- CISA Has a New Road Map for Handling Weaponized AI
- Google's Nest Thermostat drops to $90 in a Black Friday deal
- Are America's allies the holes in its export-control fence?
- Retail investors have a surprising new favourite: Treasury bills
- Poor Asian countries face an ageing crisis
- The great global baby bust is under way
- Jair Bolsonaro is barred from office for eight years
- A big data breach endangers police in Northern Ireland
- Mexico's government has attacked the country's electoral watchdog
- Abir Mukherjee adds a twist to his winning crime formula
- The firepower of Iran-backed militias, in maps
- Murder rates are falling in a majority of American cities
- A trial in New York exposes US-Mexican counter-narcotics tensions
- Democrats are giddy from this week's electoral sweep
- How the Blitz changed London for the better
- The Hollywood strikes reveal Los Angeles's deepest anxieties
- South-East Asian democracy is declining
- Reckoning with slavery remains an elite project in Britain
- How health-care costs stopped rising
- Microsoft brings Copilot to Windows 10
- Three climate fights will dominate COP28
- The Mittelstand will redeem German innovation
- Vivian Silver knew no good could ever come of war
- The Ivy League Gets Attention, but Public Universities Are Far More Important
- America would struggle to break Iran's oil-smuggling complex
- 2023 looks set to be a watershed year for the climate
- South Korea's opposition leader narrowly avoids arrest
- Climate Change is Disrupting Animals' Brains. Here's How
- How well does your country provide for its citizens?
- The Turkish economy is in pressing need of reform and repair
- A welcome return for Britain to the EU's main research programme
- Can Yemen hold together?
- The high-tech race to improve weather forecasting
- The I-10 Freeway Fire May Have Been Fueled by Exploding Hand Sanitizer
- The disappearance of China's defence minister raises big questions
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The battle over South Africa's spicy-chicken market
- Narendra Modi and the art of claiming credit
- Why Activism Leads to So Much Bad Writing
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Sources and acknowledgments
- Xiongan is Xi Jinping's pet project
- Could AI help find valuable mineral deposits?
- How Donald Trump won the debate he skipped
- Inside Ukraine's assassination programme
- Can America's stockmarket rally last?
- 9 Holiday Gear and Gadget Gifts That Will Impress (for Less) in 2023
- Why China fears Starlink
- America's corporate giants are getting harder to topple
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- What should Ireland's government do with a huge budget surplus?
- Vladimir Putin says the world's energy infrastructure is "at risk"
- Welcome to Time-Travel Thursdays
- America and the EU demonstrate protectionism's ratchet effect
- India's lunar triumph
- How to unite India, Bollywood-style
- Uruguay is losing its reputation as Latin America's success story
- Ukraine's latest weapons in its war with Russia: 3D-printed bombs
- Which will grow faster: India or Indonesia?
- Why Kentucky's Democratic governor is heading for re-election
- Trialling the two-day workweek
- Musk: SpaceX now aiming for Saturday for Starship's second flight test
- This New Breed of AI Assistant Wants to Do Your Boring Office Chores
- President Erdogan wants to make nice with the West, on his terms
- Why it is time to retire Dr Copper
- Homeland Economics
- How Taiwan is shaped by its history and identity
- From hypersonic missiles to undersea drones, the PLA is making leaps
- Republicans are turning against Ukraine
- Britain will ease some environmental rules for housebuilders
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How to get the lying out of hiring
- The Incredible Women Making Strides in Science
- The undeclared race to replace Emmanuel Macron
- Scottish independence has become a long game
- The plucky firms that are beating big tech
- The trouble with reality in fiction
- The Gaza war could help set speech free again
- China is educating engineers around the world
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Israel is more popular than social-media posts suggest
- Wildfires threaten Greece's tourist economy
- Cristina Calderón was the only full-blooded member of her people
- Glaciers on volcanoes could serve as early-warning systems
- The I-10 Freeway Fire May Have Been Fueled by Exploding Hand Sanitizer
- Annual inflation of 114% is pushing Argentina to the right
- Daniel Brush's drive to understand beauty led him to the life of a hermit
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Business
- Sources and acknowledgments
- Slovakia gives pro-Russian populist nationalism another win
- U.K. Becomes First Country to Approve a CRISPR Disease Treatment
- France rolls out the red carpet for Britain
- Best Rural Internet Providers of 2023 - CNET
- Don't be fooled by America's "new" supply chains
- Britain's failed experiment in boosting low-wage sectors
- The Belt and Road, as seen from China
- Business
- Sweden's Tesla Blockade Is Spreading
- Was your degree really worth it?
- How the Republican civil war in the House could end
- A wave of international rule-making threatens Caribbean tax havens
- YouTube now allows monetization on videos with breastfeeding nudity and 'non-sexually graphic dancing'
- Mexico City's queer, creative community – in pictures
- Centrists need to stop worrying and learn to love politics
- Superbatteries will transform the performance of EVs
- Italy needs more migrants, but has trouble admitting it
- Squeezed Property Owners Put Their Faith in the Fed
- The women's Euros are selling out stadiums
- America suspends duty-free access to four African countries
- Investors' enthusiasm for Japanese stocks has gone overboard
- Latin America's single mothers are being left behind
- 'It's just not right': residents react to demolition order for Mast Quay II tower block – video
- What Is Blockchain? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Public money must pave the way for private investment in climate-change adaptation
- Panda Diplomacy Might Not Be Dead Just Yet
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The $100trn battle for the world's wealthiest people
- Hilary Mantel saw things that others couldn't
- Ukraine's allies are scrambling to bolster its air defences
- The Economist's science and technology internship
- How remote islands underpin Japan's maritime power
- A short history of the Arab-Israeli conflict
- This week's covers
- Why legal writing is so awful
- The post-Title-42 lull in border crossings is over
- Buyers of Russian crude are exporting refined oil to the West
- That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore
- California cracks down on carbon
- Four charts that highlight this summer's freakish temperatures
- Jannik Sinner clinches semi-final spot at ATP Finals alongside Novak Djokovic
- Why investors cannot escape China exposure
- Why are politics in West Bengal so violent?
- BookTok has passion—and enormous marketing power
- A Redacted Past Slowly Emerges
- The Baltic is delighted to be a NATO lake
- Puerto Rico Was Supposed to Be John Paulson's Paradise. Then Came the Lawsuits.
- New research helps explain why China's low birth rates are stuck
- Google is testing community-sourced notes for search results
- Russia is resorting to desperate measures to recruit soldiers
- Public Schools Were Not Inevitable
- Covid-19 has pushed governments to find new ways to help the poor
- Can the Mediterranean become Europe's energy powerhouse?
- Walmart: deflating prices can be good for business
- Parts of America are becoming uninsurable
- New York City discovers a revolutionary technology: the bin
- Step inside The Economist's summer issue
- Daniel Ortega expels 222 political prisoners from Nicaragua
- Britain's Labour Party embraces supply-side social democracy
- Vladimir Zhirinovsky's highly methodical madness
- Post your questions for Busta Rhymes
- Drug-trafficking networks are expanding into new territories
- Will Rishi Sunak's reshuffle make a difference in the polls?
- Genocide returns to Darfur
- Germany's economic model is sputtering. So are its banks
- China wants to be the leader of the global south
- Thailand's new Thaksinist government
- How carbon prices are taking over the world
- When it comes to a war with Taiwan, many Chinese urge caution
- Politics
- Xi Jinping builds a 21st-century police state
- Why China and India are watching the Dalai Lama closely
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- New York City is restricting Airbnb
- Superman: Legacy Casts Another Deep Cut Comics Character
- Google DeepMind's AI Weather Forecaster Handily Beats a Global Standard
- When Delhi's air pollution gets worse: a photographic comparison
- It's Always Fire Season Now
- Why migration is in such a mess once more
- Can America's weapons-makers adapt to 21st-century warfare?
- What Is Cyberwar? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Dolly Parton: Rockstar review – country legend's first rock album is like endless karaoke
- Australia and China patch things up
- Elections in Ecuador and Guatemala suggest an anti-incumbent surge
- Artist, actor and restaurateur Mr. Chow on his driving creative force: 'To be true'
- Google Sues to Block AI Ads Preying on Small Businesses
- Premium Indian whisky is booming
- Shane Warne believed that cricket should always be fun
- The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro are up to $200 off in a Google Black Friday deal
- A changing car industry should result in more choice and better motoring
- ABBA return—and pretend no time has passed—with "Voyage"
- Goblob - A Fast Enumeration Tool For Publicly Exposed Azure Storage Blobs
- A new exhibition shows the visual debt Disney owes to European art
- The Gaza war has deepened Joe Biden's Iran nightmare
- Isabel Crook devoted her long life to making a new China
- Fortnite players can now submit audio clips as evidence when reporting in-game abuse
- What Arm and Instacart say about the coming IPO wave
- Mangosuthu Buthelezi had his own vision for a democratic South Africa
- Menlo Ventures closes on $1.35B in new capital, targets investments in AI startups
- China's slowdown is rattling Asian economies
- Brazil's new president is visiting Joe Biden to boost relations
- My Jewish cultural identity is wrapped up in food. But some events blunt the appetite | Jay Rayner
- Israel-Hamas war live: Gaza civilians 'face immediate possibility of starvation' amid looming end to aid deliveries
- Microsoft Ignite 2023: Copilot AI expansions, custom chips and all the other announcements
- On screen, Father Christmas cuts a mercurial figure
- Netflix Killed 'The OA.' Now Its Creators Are Back With a Show About Tech's Ubiquity
- Data from satellites suggest violence has surged in much of Sudan
- Britons take laughing gas merrily. Tories take it more seriously
- Taiwan's dominance of the chip industry makes it more important
- Donald Triplett was autism's "Case 1"
- China's shoppers are gloomy and picky
- Wall Street Loves Washington's New Debt Approach---for Now
- Pedro Sanchez struggles to form a new government in Spain
- After 50 years, Wole Soyinka has returned to fiction
- Politics
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- TikTok Has Canceled Osama bin Laden
- South Korean literature is inspiring Japanese women
- Joe Biden's visit to Hanoi is a signal to China
- Why China is restricting exports of graphite
- George Santos: the four strands of the Republican congressman's web of lies
- WebSecProbe - Web Security Assessment Tool, Bypass 403
- Why are Latin American workers so strikingly unproductive?
- Sinéad O'Connor hated the very idea of being a pop star
- Has the European Central Bank become too powerful?
- Environments can affect language—just not how you think
- A Tokyo district cracks down on Halloween
- The EU's rotating presidency should be scrapped
- China's deep-water fishing fleet is the world's most rapacious
- Insects could help turn beer waste into beef
- Israel's ground assault hits Gaza's communication network
- Canada has a shortage of lifeguards
- What does Xi Jinping want from Vladimir Putin?
- Britain's green belt is choking the economy
- Ronald Blythe recorded the passing, and continuance, of rural life
- China's foreign minister goes missing
- Saotome Katsumoto insisted that Japan should not forget
- Tumblr Is Always Dying
- Why the Most Hated Man in Israel Might Stay in Power
- Walmart Earnings, Low Fuel Prices Drag on Stocks
- The path ahead for China's Belt and Road Initiative
- US hits 3 UAE shipowners with sanctions for violating Russian oil price cap
- Dictators and utopians are fond of fiddling with constitutions
- Google Expands AI-Enabled Virtual Try-On Shopping Feature - CNET
- Hollywood's strike enters its final act, as writers reach a deal
- Narendra Modi has shifted India from the Palestinians to Israel
- Parts of Colombia are now awash with cocaine
- Are politicians brave enough for daredevil economics?
- U.S. Crude-Oil Inventories Rise by 3.6 Million Barrels
- Taiwan needs a new defence strategy to deal with China
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Cambodia's autocrat is fixing his succession
- Life and death in a Christmas tree
- How will China's economic stagnation impact its relations with the U.S.?
- In 2021 our writers considered technology, meritocracy and the trans debate
- The next threat to commodity supplies will be El Niño
- Our model suggests that global deaths remain 5% above pre-covid forecasts
- A glimpse of the Conservative Party after Rishi Sunak
- A new generation of Argentine musicians is topping the charts
- Egypt's government wants to erase a historic cemetery
- Winners of the 2023 Natural Landscape Photography Awards
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Elon Musk's X defends US university student in trouble over posts
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Amazon to sell cars online, starting with Hyundai
- An enormous—and unexpected—lump of granite has been found on the Moon
- Target Black Friday: Save Big on Tech, Toys & Home Right Now - CNET
- Google Shopping Will Hallucinate AI Products and Then Find You Something Real to Buy
- Why Emmanuel Macron is pulling French troops out of Niger
- Why foreign dignitaries wear red when meeting Xi Jinping
- China's shadow-banking industry threatens its financial system
- How Chicago school economists reshaped American justice
- How researchers remade 'the world's most widely used petrochemical' – without using fossil fuels
- KAL's cartoon
- Brazil reckons with the life and legacy of an abolitionist
- Why Apple Keeps Nagging About Items You 'Left Behind'
- Saudi Arabia wants to become a force in electric-vehicle manufacturing
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Self-Driving Cars: The Complete Guide
- Software is now as important as hardware in cars
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- George Santos's Day in Court
- New technology could cement Indonesia's dominance of vital nickel
- Politics
- How Cinematherapy Helped Me Through a Midlife Crisis
- Open-source intelligence is piercing the fog of war in Ukraine
- Russian artist jailed for seven years over Ukraine war price tag protest
- Squadron Leader Johnny Johnson longed to give Hitler a bloody nose
- As Ukrainian men head off to fight, women take up their jobs
- A showdown between the DoJ and Google begins
- 'The eyes tracking me is awful': senior women's complaints about MoD behaviour
- Can America's Supreme Court police itself?
- Myanmar's junta suffers startling defeats
- Social Media Sleuths, Armed With AI, Are Identifying Dead Bodies
- Politics
- The U.S.'s Plans to Modernize Nuclear Weapons Are Dangerous and Unnecessary
- Gang violence is spreading across Latin America
- Apple iMac (2023) Review: One Foot in the Future and the Past
- Why some GOP candidates don't act as aggrieved as Donald Trump
- Swimming's ruling on transgender women continues a trend
- Hip-hop's 50th anniversary shines a light on its New York City birth
- What Russia's budget reveals about the war in Ukraine
- Italy is trying to deal with its demographic decline
- New Portable Breast Cancer Scanner Can Fit in a Bra
- Britain must overhaul the way it approves infrastructure
- How can American house prices still be rising?
- Gifts for the Absolute Coffee Nerd
- MoviePass Enters the Future, Announces a Virtual Card
- Wyoming wants to become America's crypto capital
- Google DeepMind's AI Weather Forecaster Handily Beats a Global Standard
- Khosla Ventures Closes In on $3 Billion, Defying Startup Slump
- Latin America's prisons are overcrowded and violent
- American cities are suing car manufacturers over auto theft. They have a case
- The resumption of student-loan payments will hit American growth
- Plants don't have ears. But they can still detect sound
- Google DeepMind's AI Weather Forecaster Handily Beats a Global Standard
- Forget the S&P 500. Pay attention to the S&P 493
- Business
- Pharma's big push for a new generation of obesity drugs
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Invading Taiwan would be a logistical minefield for China
- Covid-19 has imperilled the hammams of north Africa and the Levant
- Business
- KAL's cartoon
- This New Breed of AI Assistant Wants to Do Your Boring Office Chores
- Why more English councils will go bust
- Dobbs electrified supporters of abortion rights
- Brazil's new president wants to reduce the number of hungry people
- How to think about the Google anti-monopoly trial
- Qu1Ckdr0P2 - Quicky Serve Files Over Http Or Https Using Flask
- Apple agrees to improve texting between iPhones and Androids
- Hong Kong puts a price on the heads of democracy activists
- Cruise suspends employee stock program, corp bonuses moved up
- Why the market for superyachts is booming
- How China sees Yevgeny Prigozhin's mutiny
- Why it is a bad idea for managers to attempt to engineer office friendships
- People in Israel: how have you been affected by the Israel-Hamas war?
- Antarctic sea ice is at a record low
- The Supreme Court's code of conduct is a good first step
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- KAL's cartoon
- Why have Russia's armed forces been so ineffective in Ukraine?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Cannabis: The Complete WIRED Guide
- Asia is rowing about Fukushima nuclear wastewater
- Politics
- How much is Russia spending on its invasion of Ukraine?
- The threat of Hizbullah can be seen from space
- Florida drag shows win temporary victory in Supreme Court
- Narendra Modi is widening India's fierce regional divides
- India is testing America's friendship
- Behind the Scenes at a U.S. Factory Building New Nuclear Bombs
- Marine Le Pen poses a greater threat than Giorgia Meloni
- 'He turned heads': Ghana's most stylish guys – in pictures
- To bury its dead, Ukraine is having to dig up victims of past wars
- What to make of a surprise shake-up in China's nuclear force
- KAL's cartoon
- A tiny, ancient hominin may have been surprisingly clever
- This week's covers
- How Russian prisoners of war see Putin's invasion
- The invasion of Ukraine is not the first social media war, but it is the most viral
- Ecuador's president dissolves Congress to avoid impeachment
- What drives people to vote the way they do?
- A Nobel prize in physiology for mRNA vaccines
- Seven years after a terrorist attack, Nice has rebuilt itself
- The green revolution will stall without Latin America's lithium
- The old bank/card model is still entrenched in the rich world
- What Crash? Black People Are Still Crypto's Biggest Believers
- The new Supreme Court term takes aim at the administrative state
- The world's worst central banker retires
- The best memes of 2021
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How many Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine?
- Chicago's progressive coalition is struggling with migration
- What Defines Artificial Intelligence? The Complete WIRED Guide
- People in Iceland: have you had to evacuate?
- "The" human genome was always a misnomer
- Crazy policies and climate change are hurting Latin American agriculture
- Yevgeny Prigozhin's death may consolidate Putin's power
- Why Older Socialists Are Quitting the DSA
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How Britain lives with covid-19 today
- Far-right ideas are gaining a renewed respectability in France
- A Chilling Effect on Pro-Palestinian Speech
- Hip-Hop mogul Sean Combs accused of trafficking, sexual assault and abuse in lawsuit
- AI-powered Elmo and Cookie Monster are shilling $25 video messages on Cameo
- China's claim to the South China Sea gets even odder
- KAL's cartoon
- Meet Javier Milei, the front-runner to be Argentina's next president
- The war in Ukraine shows how technology is changing the battlefield
- Why China is so keen to salvage shipwrecks in the South China Sea
- Rishi Sunak's misguided attempt to woo irritated British drivers
- In drought-stricken Europe, leaky pipes are worsening the problem
- Guatemala's elite may try to scupper the presidential election
- What Crash? Black People Are Still Crypto's Biggest Believers
- Michigan's Jim Harbaugh accepts three-game ban over sign-stealing scandal
- Business
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- A Chinese opera star's ode to Russia—from a Ukrainian bomb site
- How Vladimir Putin provokes—and complicates—the struggle against autocracy
- Political turmoil is tearing Peru apart
- A battery supply chain that excludes China looks impossible
- Azerbaijan wants to "reintegrate" Nagorno-Karabakh through force
- Hades-C2 - Hades Basic Command And Control Server
- The Nameless Children of Gaza
- What to Expect During SpaceX's Second Starship Test Flight
- China's economy is in desperate need of rescue
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- This year's El Niño will hit Peru especially hard
- Israel's window of legitimacy in Gaza is shrinking
- Why companies still want in-house data centres
- Mapping the 'Unknome' May Reveal Critical Genes Scientists Have Ignored
- Oil prices fall, defying suggestions of a $100 barrel
- A flying car that anyone can use will soon go on sale
- Is lab-grown meat kosher?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How Mark Zuckerberg escaped a metaverse-sized hole
- The world should study China's crushing of Hong Kong's freedoms
- How we met: 'I found him very intelligent – and not at all arrogant'
- Target Stock Surges as Earnings Overshadow Sales Decline
- An animated documentary tells the story of Amin, an Afghan refugee
- Canada's miserly defence spending is increasingly embarrassing
- Afghanistan's terrible earthquakes
- To beat populists, sensible policymakers must up their game
- US business elite welcomes Xi with standing ovation
- The Middle East's economy is caught in the crossfire
- IBM pulls adverts from X after report finding they ran next to Nazi content
- A trove of photographs casts light on Bangladesh's liberation war
- A short history of Hollywood's poison-pen letters to itself
- Detroit wants to be the first big American city to tax land value
- Who is to blame in Britain for delayed and cancelled flights?
- Refugee-friendly Canada tightens its border with the United States
- How British colonialism increased diabetes in south Asians
- Naomi Klein on wellness culture: 'We really are alive on the knife's edge'
- Business
- To Slow Climate Change, Curb Methane First
- Jessamine Chan's gripping debut novel sends up modern parenting
- Could a chemical found in many household products help alleviate fashion's microplastics problem?
- An ancient whale-like animal may be the biggest to have ever lived
- How the red beret became Africa's most political hat
- How soon will Ukraine be able to use its F-16s?
- The rise of the Asian activist investor
- ASUS offers free fix for Evangelion typo on motherboard
- Illegal gold is booming in South America
- Diversity initiatives in America are foundering
- The "Scream" franchise adds another self-referential sequel
- Firms are exploring sodium batteries as an alternative to lithium
- The Putin Show
- All parties are blaming each other for the dire situation in Gaza
- The mystery surrounding China's missing defence minister
- KAL's cartoon
- Places claiming to be centenarian hotspots may just have bad data
- Norway's Privacy Battle With Meta Is Just Getting Started
- How to Opt Out of Facebook's Latest Two-Factor Authentication Change
- Labour wins big in a Scottish by-election
- Retired NASA Telescope Reveals Clues to the Elusive 'Size Gap' in Exoplanets
- Joe Biden lifts sanctions on Venezuela, but not without conditions
- Parental Advisory: This Chatbot May Talk to Your Child About Sex and Alcohol
- China is leading the challenge to incumbent carmakers
- The economics of pumpkin patches
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Kenya wants to pioneer a new African approach to global warming
- Best Internet Providers With No Data Caps - CNET
- Madeleine Albright saw herself as an ambassador for freedom
- To understand Britain, watch "Homes Under the Hammer"
- Phyllida Barlow had a lifetime of adventure making art
- How are Russians in Britain faring?
- Wines That Entertain as Well as Impress
- 'We are at war': Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu makes statement on Hamas attack – video
- Israeli settlers are causing mayhem in the West Bank
- The SAG Deal Sends a Clear Message About AI and Workers
- What's an Influencer? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Why Venetians are pondering raising their entire city
- How the rapid growth of virtual wards is helping the NHS
- After banning cinema for decades, Saudi Arabia is making movies
- Why the EU will not remain the world's digital über-regulator
- Abe Shinzo believed that Japan should assert itself in the world
- The Ugandan state unlawfully detains a novelist
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Shyam Saran Negi never failed in his democratic duty
- Networking for introverts: a how-to guide
- South Korean chipmakers get a reprieve
- Antony Sher pushed the boundaries of Shakespeare's plays
- Corals are bleaching and dying earlier in the year than ever before
- Is a two-state solution possible after the Gaza war?
- Desmond Tutu believed that truth was the best weapon
- The Portable Car Jump Starter Battery Pack I Swear By Is 40% Off for Black Friday - CNET
- Joe Biden's failures on trade benefit China
- Barry Humphries, creator and manager of Dame Edna Everage, died on April 22nd, aged 89
- Why shoplifting is rising in Britain
- A Surge in Babies Born With Syphilis Is a Warning Sign
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The best albums of 2021
- $1,900 Tesla Cyberquad is on sale again, less likely to maim children
- Has Putin got the upper hand in Ukraine? – podcast
- Can Israeli-Emirati business ties survive the Gaza war?
- Dining across the divide: 'She would like the UK to offer a haven to anybody whose life is at risk – but there has to be limits'
- Will the auto workers' strike jeopardise Joe Biden's manufacturing boom?
- An American soldier has deserted to North Korea
- The end of Western naivety about China
- American stocks are at their most expensive in decades
- The forgotten importance of the War of Jenkins' Ear
- Best Laptop of 2023 - CNET
- Milan Kundera believed that truth lay in endless questioning
- Hollywood Just Released 2 Teddy Bear Trailers on the Same Day
- Is there a genetic link between endometriosis and the brain?
- American states wrestle with how to treat severe mental illness
- Prescription rules for obesity drugs may unfairly exclude non-whites
- Adolfo Kaminsky saved thousands of Jews by changing their identities
- China approves the world's first flying taxi
- After six months of civil war, little remains of Khartoum
- China tells its citizens to be on the lookout for spies
- Soldiers declare they have overthrown Niger's president
- TikTok 'aggressively' taking down videos promoting Bin Laden 'letter to America'
- CloudPulse - AWS Cloud Landscape Search Engine
- Protests at UN headquarters as Iran's Ebrahim Raisi addresses delegates – video
- Dervla Murphy let nothing stand in the way of adventure
- Stuttgart's ever-receding station is Germany's latest transport fiasco
- KAL's cartoon
- Nearly Everyone With Mild Cognitive Impairment Goes Undiagnosed
- How rugby became a darling of Europe's chauvinist right
- An expert on civil war issues a warning about America
- How pop culture went multipolar
- Bob Menendez's indictment is colourful even by Jersey standards
- Ethiopia's prime minister wants a Red Sea harbour
- Why Britain's government would be wrong to cut HS2
- Meta brings us a step closer to AI-generated movies
- What David Cameron's return says about British politics
- How Liberia and Sierra Leone ended their cycles of violence
- India, an aspiring digital superpower, keeps shutting down the internet
- Can academic joint ventures between China and the West survive?
- This week's cover
- Business
- Why is Italy's public-debt burden so big?
- Rule by law, with Chinese characteristics
- Australians are no longer united on Aboriginal rights
- Failing to reintegrate Iraq's Sunni rebels could prove costly
- In preparing for disasters, museums face tough choices
- Costly food and energy are fostering global unrest
- America's Mortgage King Also Wants an NBA Crown---Right Now
- Padre - Blazing Fast, Advanced Padding Oracle Exploit
- Microplastics found in clouds could affect weather and global temperatures
- OpenAI Can't Take the Heat, Gets ChatGPT Plus Out the Kitchen
- Hyundai's high-performance Ioniq 5 N EV goes on sale in March
- LooneyPwner - Exploit Tool For CVE-2023-4911, Targeting The 'Looney Tunables' Glibc Vulnerability In Various Linux Distributions
- Gradually, the besieged city of Bakhmut is being abandoned by everyone
- Don't Be Fooled by the AI Apocalypse
- Alexei Navalny's lawyers are arrested
- Why I'm (Cautiously) Optimistic About COP28
- Vivienne Westwood sowed never-ending revolution all through the fashion world
- Corporate America risks losing the Supreme Court
- Rahul Gandhi is back in parliament
- Can computing clean up its act?
- Blind optimism is the only bet for Britain's Tories
- Cybersecurity investor Ballistic Ventures seeks $300M for new fund
- Pakistan expels undocumented Afghans. But at what price?
- Satellite data show Ukraine's forces are testing Russia's defences
- Covid learning loss has been a global disaster
- The world's greatest toilet culture
- The Nerdiest Lego Gifts, Big and Small
- America's university graduates live much longer than non-graduates
- Inside Ukraine's drone war against Putin
- Like father, like daughter: why Vanessa Kerry is demanding action on climate and health
- This week in The Economist
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- X Races to Contain Damage After Elon Musk Endorses Antisemitic Post
- Video: Busting globalisation myths
- Kenya's president, William Ruto, shows two sides
- How well-connected Iranians import their goodies
- China's push to create a single national identity
- A year after Iran was shaken by protests, zealots have tightened their grip
- Egypt's bread subsidies are unsustainable
- Scientists Have Been Freezing Corals for Decades. Now They're Learning How to Wake Them Up
- The trials of Muhammad Yunus
- Mexico's government is suing American gun manufacturers
- Why Nigeria's hospitals are losing their staff
- US wasn't always Israel's strongest ally – what changed and why?
- What is killing white Britons?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The Qatar World Cup shows how football is changing
- China's guarding of genetic data is a drag on scientific research
- Why American manufacturing is becoming less efficient
- The Dutch are piloting a saner European right
- The New York Public Library mines its archive of 56m objects
- The rise of Britain's new nanny state
- A pair of Indian and Russian probes approach the Moon
- What Is Net Neutrality? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Doctor Who Anniversaries, Ranked
- Airborne taxi ranks are coming to a sky near you
- Britain's labour-market figures are less reliable than they were
- Amazon is officially killing the Comixology app, forcing users over to Kindle
- Argentina needs to default, not dollarise
- KAL's cartoon
- Insiders Say Eat Just Is in Big Financial Trouble
- Does China face a lost decade?
- Cannabis for Seniors: Why Older Adults Are Opting for Medical Marijuana
- The lethal negligence of politicians in Morocco and Libya
- French bakeries are thriving in unlikely places
- Deterring would-be putschists in Africa is getting harder
- A new book celebrates Annie Leibovitz's fashion photography
- The three steps on America's ladder of military escalation
- Battlefield lessons
- In Spain's parliament, you can now speak Basque (or Catalan or Galician)
- After an unsuccessful boycott, women's tennis is back in China
- Wartime leaders usually get a popularity bump. Israel's hasn't
- Why is Vladimir Putin looking to North Korea for arms?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Amazon's Echo Show 5 falls to a record low of $40 in a Black Friday deal
- Unhinged Conspiracies, AI Doppelgangers, and the Fractured Reality of Naomi Klein
- Microbiome treatments are taking off
- The Morning After: The best early Black Friday deals for 2023
- How the war in Ukraine is changing Europe's demography
- Google Photos has new AI-powered features to clean up your library
- How Ukraine's enemy is also learning lessons, albeit slowly
- David DePape Found Guilty in Paul Pelosi Attack
- Madame Web: is this Spider-Man spinoff trailer deliberately terrible? | Stuart Heritage
- Sixty women at MoD complain of widespread 'toxic' and 'hostile' behaviour
- Big pharma can't get enough of one class of cancer drugs
- The costs of Russia's war are about to hit home
- The Americas face a historic opportunity. Will the region grasp it?
- Highlights of a year when art mattered as much as ever
- 16 Best Laptops (2023): MacBooks, Windows, Chromebooks
- Ann Shulgin pioneered the use of psychedelics in therapy
- What is Virtual Reality (VR)? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Netflix Has Cancelled Shadow and Bone
- AI can catalogue a forest's inhabitants simply by listening
- Andrés Manuel López Obrador puts his stamp on Mexico's schools
- To show that it can follow global rules, China built its own multilateral institution
- A deep sense of wonder, a firm grasp on reality: what magicians can teach us about mental health | Peter Ormerod
- Apple Gives iPhone 14 Users an Extra Year of Emergency SOS Via Satellite
- An ambitious plan for "total peace" in Colombia is faltering
- Ilya: the AI scientist shaping the world
- After Niger's coup, the drums of war are growing louder
- Was an ancient bacterium awakened by an industrial accident?
- Despite setbacks, ispace to launch second moon mission in Q4 2024
- Nintendo Is Ready to Take On Hollywood
- Floods hit Somalia after worst drought in four decades – video report
- Hornbills, otters and even a tapir: Singapore is rewilding
- China's aggression brings Japan and the Philippines closer
- The pace of Israel's war in Gaza far exceeds previous conflicts
- The world divided
- How will Britain turn off its gas grid?
- Communist rappers are luring young disgruntled Chinese
- Our Carrie Bradshaw index: Where Americans can afford to live solo
- Would you rather be a manager or a leader?
- The Next iPhone Will Have an Easier Time Texting Android's Green Bubbles
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- George Santos Won't Seek Re-election After House Ethics Committee Report
- A new gonorrhoea drug was developed by a non-profit foundation
- Maybe (HBO) Max Just Isn't Worth It
- Indonesia wants to export moderate Islam
- Anker 647 Charging Station Review: Retractable USB-C Charging Heaven
- Iman Vellani Details Her X-Men Comics Writing Process
- Why Britain has a unique problem with economic inactivity
- When China thought America might invade
- Live news: US money market fund assets increase to record $5.7tn
- Free Bacon for Life Is Back at ButcherBox. Here's How to Get It - CNET
- Claudia Goldin wins the Nobel prize in economics
- Frank Drake believed that the universe had to contain other intelligent beings
- China's new Great Wall
- A sexism scandal in Spanish football hides the country's progress
- TrafficWatch - TrafficWatch, A Packet Sniffer Tool, Allows You To Monitor And Analyze Network Traffic From PCAP Files
- China will become less populous, more productive—and more pricey
- Lester Piggott had only one aim in view
- Argentina's presidential election delivers a surprise result
- Running Signal Will Soon Cost $50 Million a Year
- Hamas's attack was an Israeli intelligence failure on multiple fronts
- The 2023 crony-capitalism index
- Deep-sea mining may soon ease the world's battery-metal shortage
- Sir Paul McCartney's memoir aims to affirm his status as a writer
- NASA Recreates Apollo 12 Landing to Analyze Future Artemis Mission Risks
- Researchers developed a gene-editing technology that reduces 'bad' cholesterol
- Europe can't decide how to unplug from China
- How the UK government's Rwanda asylum plan came unstuck – podcast
- Could OpenAI be the next tech giant?
- The ancient Eleusinian mysteries get a new incarnation
- Andrés Manuel López Obrador has reduced poverty in Mexico
- China's consumers, officials and statisticians all lack confidence
- A slew of scandals puts Singapore's government on the back foot
- What Happened the Last Time Star Wars Did 'Somehow, Thrawn Returned'
- Governments across the world are discovering "homeland economics"
- 'Spamalot' Review: King Arthur and His Coconuts, Back on Broadway
- Young Latin Americans are unusually open to autocrats
- Why Britain is so bad at diagnosing cancer
- A historian brings to life a 17th-century witchcraft panic
- Issey Miyake saw clothes in a completely new way
- Peter Brook saw acting as an uncompromising search for truth
- Justin Schmidt made a lifetime study of insects that attack us
- A new railway will at last link Iran and Iraq
- A new play stages excerpts from the Grenfell Tower fire inquiry
- Amid turmoil in China's property market, the public seethes
- Autonomous vehicles are coming, but slowly
- Lula cosies up to Nicolás Maduro, Venezuela's autocrat
- Bangladesh strikes a blow against lead poisoning
- What Elon Musk's 'Age of Abundance' Means for the Future of Capitalism
- What can inflation-strugglers learn from inflation-killers?
- A Single Infusion of a Gene-Editing Treatment Lowered High Cholesterol
- Senate Leaders Plan to Prolong NSA Surveillance Using a Must-Pass Bill
- Bill Ackman wants another shot at shaking up IPOs
- Should Britain's police chiefs be able to sack rogue officers?
- Five years on, is Britain's strategy to combat loneliness working?
- Best Black Friday iPad Deals: Save Up to $100 on Your New iPad Air, Pro and More - CNET
- A caste census reopens old grudges in India
- The largest freshwater lake in the British Isles has been poisoned
- KAL's cartoon
- Mexico's gangs could be the country's fifth-biggest employer
- After its brutal attack, Hamas is calculating its next move
- Press freedom is stifled in Guatemala ahead of an election
- The Unexpected Power of Second-Chance Romance
- This week's cover
- Tech Disrupted Hollywood. AI Almost Destroyed It
- 13 Best Target Black Friday Deals (2023): Smart Home, Toys, and Games
- America's pandemic savings are running out
- Central-bank digital currencies are talked about more than coming to fruition
- Climate Change: The Complete WIRED Guide
- Latin America's local governments too often fail their people
- YouTube Now Sells the AI Soul of Your Favorite Musician
- Unlike chimps, bonobos offer hope that maybe we can all get along
- Ukrainian soldiers describe their experiences battling Russia
- 'We needed to get off the grid': New Orleans' community-driven response to blackouts
- Two books assess the fight against global corruption
- Ofir Libstein had extraordinary dreams for his small patch
- Will anyone catch Leicester and Ipswich in the Championship? – Football Weekly
- Mexico now receives more remittances than China
- The Van Gogh Museum showcases a rejected early masterpiece
- Introducing Essential India, our latest newsletter
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Green-lit or greenlighted? Gaslighted or gaslit?
- 11 Best Advent Calendars (2023): Lego, Bonne Maman, Lush
- Rishi Sunak's anti-green turn on Britain's climate targets
- The pandemic's indirect effects on small children could last a lifetime
- Ukraine's small Jewish community is thriving
- The Cases Against Trump: A Guide
- America says it will send long-range missiles to Ukraine
- Meet Ernie, China's answer to ChatGPT
- Gustavo Petro, Colombia's president, wants to smother the gig economy
- Why are Republicans still supporting Donald Trump? - video
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Dominant languages can spread even without coercion
- Marvel Goes Back to the 1990s With These Throwback Covers
- NATO defence spending is rising, but not fast enough
- Why You Maybe Shouldn't Write a Memoir
- Lessons from the blaze that levelled Lahaina
- Should rich countries pay for climate damage in poor ones?
- Sweden's Tesla Blockade Is Spreading
- A new nuclear arms race looms
- The QAnon Shaman Isn't Even the Most Extreme Candidate in His Race for Congress
- iPhone Maker Braces for China's Ire Over Founder's Taiwan Presidential Bid
- How geopolitical tensions could disrupt the global car industry
- India is in the midst of an unusual IPO boom
- Gina Lollobrigida's ambition was her strength and her weakness
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- America's plan to cut drug prices comes with unpleasant side-effects
- Italy's scorching summer singes Giorgia Meloni
- Elon Musk agrees with tweet accusing Jews of 'hatred against whites'
- Largely Ignored by the Western World, Africa's Medieval Treasures Shine at the Met
- A cautionary tale from the streets of San Francisco
- China seeks a world order that defers to states and their rulers
- An interview with the head of Ukraine's defence intelligence
- Can tech tackle the global crisis of depression and anxiety?
- Venezuela's Supreme Court tests President Joe Biden
- Many of the world's new mpox cases are in China
- Animals can be tracked by simply swabbing leaves
- Hebe de Bonafini lived through the lives of her sons
- Boston's "cradle of liberty" was paid for with slavery profits
- Frontline Formosa
- Samsung Galaxy Buds FE Review: Surprisingly Good ANC for $99
- Apple's Pledge to Support RCS Messaging Could Finally Kill SMS
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- EU foreign affairs chief tells Israel not to be 'consumed by rage' in response to Hamas attacks
- China's slowing economy, seen from ground level
- India's scandal-hit Adani Group forges on
- Has Australasia lurched right on race?
- Ko Jimmy was determined to make Myanmar free
- A woman described as Iran's "Nelson Mandela" wins the Nobel peace prize
- Women's football is becoming bigger and better
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan's relatives are becoming increasingly powerful
- It is time to divert Taiwan's trade and investment from China
- America's bosses grapple with threats to diversity policies
- Instead of undoing Ataturk's legacy, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has claimed it
- Labour's screw-ups reveal how the party will govern Britain
- Even when he glitters, Sir Keir Starmer still struggles to shine
- Lucid's Gravity electric SUV will have a max range of 440 miles
- KAL's cartoon
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The (not so) great escape
- Jacqueline Gold freed women to shamelessly enjoy themselves
- Don't blame "quiet quitting" on Gen-Z
- The cost of the global arms race
- Universities Are Failing at Inclusion
- What America should really learn from Dianne Feinstein
- The Mirai Confessions: Three Young Hackers Who Built a Web-Killing Monster Finally Tell Their Story
- China is flooding Taiwan with disinformation
- Officials seek more transparency for US Treasury market
- Thich Nhat Hanh believed that Buddhism should be a force for change
- Do abortion-related benefits help American firms recruit?
- Social-media influencers are battling to educate young Indians about sex
- Global temperatures have broken records three times in a week
- 'The Dish' Review: I'll Have What He's Having
- Dr. Michelle Wong Brings the Science of Skincare to New Audiences
- Pakistan's army is back in charge of politics
- The world has to adapt to the climate change it will not avoid
- How big are the fires burning in Australia's north? Interactive map shows they've burned an area larger than Spain
- UK authorizes first gene therapy for treating sickle cell disease
- KAL's cartoon
- Who Would Take the Brunt of an Attack on U.S. Nuclear Missile Silos?
- Goldman Sachs has a David Solomon problem
- Israel reels as Hamas launches a spectacular and bloody offensive
- Why diamonds are losing their allure
- China's influence in South-East Asia has grown. America's has waned
- The escape of a terror suspect shines a light on Britain's jails
- The New Nuclear Age
- How digital gaming spreads far and wide
- Pema Tseden was the founder and builder of Tibetan cinema
- Kia's latest EV concepts go big on geometrics and cabin vibes
- In Belgrade, backers of Ukraine and Russia fight with graffiti
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Politics
- The death of Pope Benedict removes a problem for liberal Catholics
- Here's How Bad Climate Change Will Get in the US—and Why There's Still Hope
- Could the war in Ukraine go nuclear?
- Gazans are rapidly losing access to the internet
- Germany's rampant hard-right AfD puts other parties in a fix
- Concerns of corruption mar Zimbabwe's chaotic election
- GM's Cruise Rethinks Its Robotaxi Strategy After Admitting a Software Fault in Gruesome Crash
- How to Watch the Second Test Flight of SpaceX's Starship Megarocket
- Insert coin
- Starry new productions show "Macbeth" is the tragedy for our times
- Why is America's capital so violent?
- Insiders Say Eat Just Is in Big Financial Trouble
- Sources and acknowledgments
- Is Finland the best place in the world to be a parent? – video
- Puncia - Subdomain And Exploit Hunter Powered By AI
- Latin America's left-wing experiment is a warning to the world
- Best iPad for 2023 - CNET
- Southern Italy needs private enterprise and infrastructure
- Ethnic conflict drags on in Manipur in India's north-east
- Why Europe is a magnet for more Americans
- An FBI investigation raises questions about Eric Adams
- How climate change will hit holidaymaking
- After WeWork's fall, what next for SoftBank?
- How successful is egg-freezing at preserving fertility?
- Turkey faces a crucial election this summer
- America's school day starts too early. That's beginning to change
- The mysteries of volcanoes: what's going on beneath the ground in Iceland? – podcast
- Protesters gather outside Labour MP's London office after Gaza vote
- KAL's cartoon
- Suspect arrested in death of Jewish protester in Southern California
- 'Genocide is being committed': Armenians protest after Nagorno-Karabakh violence – video
- How Japan poses a threat to the global financial system
- As war looms Israel calls for 1.1m people to evacuate northern Gaza
- Brazil's foreign policy is hyperactive, ambitious and naive
- Microsoft Temporarily Blocked Internal Access to ChatGPT, Citing Data Concerns
- John Hare devoted his life to saving the Gobi's wild camels
- It is getting easier for new entrants to make cars
- Some progressives are arguing for a religious right to abortion
- Fear and anger rise on the West Bank
- Is Britain's Labour Party a bunch of Tories, naifs or liars?
- Chinese feminists are rebuilding their movement abroad
- KAL's cartoon
- Joan Didion's radical curiosity
- The battle between American workers and technology heats up
- The German economy: from European leader to laggard
- South Korea has given up on talking to the North
- If Venezuela's elections were fair, this would be the front-runner
- The Lost Weekend: A Love Story review – vivid snapshot of Lennon's dysfunctional liaison
- Xi Jinping wants China to have better toilets
- Azerbaijan is close to taking control of Nagorno-Karabakh
- The Sycamore Gap tree held a particularly deep place in people's hearts
- The fall of WeWork shows the deepening cracks in property
- Despite its sympathies, Egypt is unlikely to help Palestinian refugees
- "Making Nice" is a gratifying satire of the internet age
- Politics
- How China's delivery drivers quietly fight to improve their lot
- China has embraced pets, but animal welfare is still a problem
- How to Open a Savings Account in 4 Simple Steps - CNET
- Political instability in Italy has always affected reform
- IRL founders allege investors sabotaged company with fake users claims
- Demand for chocolate causes more illegal deforestation than people realise
- These are the most liveable cities in Europe
- America's dumbest, wildest budget fight yet
- Meta Strikes Deal to Return to China After 14 Years
- Higher wages are spurring innovation in dinner
- Lessons from frugal businesses minting money in India
- China's ties with America are warming, a bit
- Xi Jinping reaches into China's ancient history for a new claim to rule
- The idea of "holobionts" represents a paradigm shift in biology
- There's more than one way to spay a cat
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Robotics 'Revives' a Long-Extinct Starfish Ancestor
- ISS Astronauts Are Testing a New Surface Coating to Fight Space Germs
- Sources and acknowledgments
- 'Astounding': Alabama woman with two uteruses is pregnant in both wombs
- YouTube Shorts Challenges TikTok With Music-Making AI for Creators
- Kaitlin Armstrong Found Guilty in Murder of the Cyclist Moriah Wilson
- Nayib Bukele shows how to dismantle a democracy and stay popular
- The WIRED Guide to Aliens
- Portugal's prime minister resigns over a corruption scandal
- Why logistics are too important to be left to the generals
- The best podcasts of 2021
- OMV, Austria's energy major, reimagines its future
- The latest in the battle of jamming with electronic beams
- Sources and acknowledgments
- Southern Gaza could become more densely populated than Delhi
- The AI Detection Arms Race Is On
- The judge and the attorney-general fighting for Israeli democracy
- Omegle Was Forced to Shut Down by a Lawsuit From a Sexual Abuse Survivor
- Iowa has become a petri-dish of Republican radicalism
- Yurii Kerpatenko refused to bow to Russian orders
- Where do Americans mingle?
- Google is giving teens around the world access to its Bard AI chatbot
- Maya Widmaier-Picasso helped to revive her father's creativity
- Democracy and the price of a vote
- Perilous migrant crossings of the Mediterranean are rising
- War has arrived in Crimea
- Canadians are starting to sour on migration
- Thursday Night Football: How to Watch, Stream Bengals vs. Ravens Tonight on Prime Video or Twitch - CNET
- Business leaders worry about the rise of the AfD
- I Visited Over 120 EV Chargers. Here's Why So Many Were Broken.
- Beefing up Poland's armed forces
- 'Like a 40-metre pizza': the seaweed farms that could feed us all – at a cost
- Why African leaders shunned Vladimir Putin's summit
- Netanyahu's handling of the hostage crisis enrages Israelis
- Abu Dhabi throws a surprise challenger into the AI race
- Poland gives pro-European liberals a big win
- Part of Donald Trump's base thinks he is fighting a spiritual war
- Iran's $6bn hostage deal is part of a broader diplomatic strategy
- CryptoChat - Beyond Secure Messaging
- Why Libya's cackhanded Israel diplomacy is bad for America, too
- Social Media Sleuths, Armed With AI, Are Identifying Dead Bodies
- South-East Asia is in the grip of a record-breaking heatwave
- Confessions of a Viral AI Writer
- America's bad auto loans could have nasty consequences
- Can rich countries care for the old without going bust?
- What a third world war would mean for investors
- Evangelicals may soon rival Catholics in Latin America
- Tuvalu plans for its own disappearance
- A corner of Italy that is forever China
- Vera Putina claimed to be Vladimir Putin's real mother
- Who is the most important person in your company?
- Israel-Hezbollah fighting forces people in southern Lebanon to flee violence — again
- Floridians should avoid wrestling armadillos unless necessary
- Study drugs make healthy people worse at problem-solving, not better
- Waverly Labs Forum Review: Impressive One-to-Many Voice Translation
- 'Assassin's Creed Nexus VR' Makes the Case for Immersive Gaming—Finally
- How a tide of tech money is transforming charity
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Does America have enough weapons to support its allies?
- Business
- Japan is making asylum even harder for refugees
- What markets are trying to tell Europe—and why it should listen
- European countries have no idea how to woo India
- A year after its liberation, Kherson still knows fear—and defiance
- The Wild West of robotaxis: Will Texas be a regulatory haven or chaos unleashed?
- People in Gaza: how have you been affected by the Israel-Hamas war?
- Much of the Earth remains unexplored
- Taylor Swift, Star Wars, 'Stranger Things,' and Deadpool Have One Man in Common
- China's tolerance for public oversight is limited
- Oil falls to lowest level since July ahead of Opec+ meeting
- Owen Wilson's 20 best performances – ranked!
- South Korean politics is one big row about history
- A tax-cutting wave is sweeping over America's states
- Dozens Are Injured in Chicago Train Crash
- Mayor Eric Adams Says N.Y.C. Will Slash Budgets For Police, Libraries and Schools
- America's steelmakers forge a future together
- The iPhone 16 Could Be Cooler Than the iPhone 15, Literally
- Robotic Putting Greens. Mixed Reality. Loud Spectators. This Is Golf?!
- A Chinese reality-TV show about farming doubles as propaganda
- Patrick Stewart Boldly Explores His Own Final Frontier
- How Does Your Brain Remember and Retrieve Words?
- China's persecution of Uyghurs extends to those it once favoured
- What supermarkets reveal about Britain's economy
- This week's cover
- Trump's Defense Strategy
- America's states are trying to set rules for the internet
- Disney Is Already Planning On a Frozen 4
- Pemex is the world's most indebted oil company
- What is the Catalan amnesty deal agreed by Pedro Sánchez?
- A boost for Germany's right
- Illinois is the first state in America to abandon cash bail
- Hollywood Actors Strike Ends With a Deal That Will Impact AI and Streaming for Decades
- The Government Is Now the Hottest Tech Employer in Town
- Tech Disrupted Hollywood. AI Almost Destroyed It
- What India's foreign-news coverage says about its worldview
- How Jane Street-backed ZetaChain aims to expand Bitcoin's use cases
- 15 Gifts for People Who Are Perpetually Cold (2023): Hand Warmers, Blankets, and Space Heaters
- China is winning Africa's "white-gold" rush for lithium
- $10 Billion More for Iran
- What war mobilisation might look like in China
- What you learn on a 24-hour train trip through Europe
- Britain explores softening its war on drugs
- What if China and India became friends?
- The Non-end of George Santos
- The New Potemkin Village Is in San Francisco
- Simple Formula Makes Prime Numbers Easy, but a Million-Dollar Mystery Remains
- How China uses UNESCO to rewrite history
- The war in Ukraine is spurring transatlantic co-operation in tech
- America's astonishing economic growth goes up another gear
- The culture war over the Gaza war
- Turkey is still just a democracy, but it is not certain to remain that way
- Wirecard hacker sentenced to 80 months in prison
- KAL's cartoon
- America and China try to move past a new bump in relations
- Britain's Labour Party takes lessons from Joe Biden
- A new book explains the tragic failure of Boeing's 737 MAX
- Politics
- How to make NYC work better for its winged inhabitants
- The Supreme Court rules against Britain's Rwanda plan. What now?
- Arm's public listing is set to break records
- A clue to China's true covid-19 death toll
- Britain's statisticians fix a blunder and find a bigger economy
- North Korea's borders are creaking open
- Holiday Books: Our 2023 Guide to the Best Gifts
- Should you send your children to private school?
- A new book shows how the Greek revolution shaped Europe
- Why Chinese women are denied legal land rights
- Could AI transform science itself?
- U.S. and China Reach New Climate Agreement
- Walmart Keeps Winning, but Has High Bar to Clear
- KAL's cartoon
- UBS Spared $2 Billion in Penalties
- Business
- Does the tank have a future?
- As Lula takes over, Brazil's economic prospects are looking up
- IBM suspends advertising on X after its ads were placed next to pro-Nazi content
- "Sound of Freedom": how to make a fortune with a mediocre movie
- Car firms are trying out new ways to sell mobility
- Britain's national parks are not protecting nature
- Booming cocaine production suggests the war on drugs has failed
- On the 50th anniversary of "Ways of Seeing" and "G."
- The New Analogue Pockets Might Be One of the Cutest Holiday Releases
- Poor Things Puts a Shocking and Fantastic Spin on a Classic Tale
- We Finally Know the True Power of BOAT—the Brightest Known Gamma-Ray Burst
- Obamacare Call Center Staff Strike Over Steep Health Care Costs and Scarce Bathroom Breaks
- The clock is ticking on an old deal between America and China
- When will China's GDP overtake America's?
- How men with guns aggravate global hunger
- Scientists Have an Audacious Plan to Map the Ancient World Before It Disappears
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Paula Rego was a painter of rage, longing and loneliness
- German builders are on the brink of collapse
- Amnesty for separatists threatens Spain's rule of law
- Andriy Pilshchykov pleaded for F-16s to be sent to Ukraine
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Don't Expect U.S.-China Relations to Get Better
- China's banks may be loaded up with hidden bad loans
- Wall Street megadonors warm to Nikki Haley as their anti-Trump Republican
- Old tyres can become a climate-friendly fuel
- North Korea's hackers are after intel, not just crypto
- Singapore's biggest money-laundering case has links to Chinese gamblers
- Biden pleads the case for Israel, Ukraine—and American leadership
- Two new books assess the geopolitical lessons of covid-19
- Europe's conservative populists pit migrants against babies
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Business
- Why a British challenger bank got into trouble
- The Trouble With America's Ultra-Processed Diet
- From Gaza to Ukraine, wars and crises are piling up
- Could Ukraine's allies be sending it more weapons?
- This week's covers
- Uzbekistan's Bukharan Jews are disappearing
- In the War Against Russia, Some Ukrainians Carry AK-47s. Andrey Liscovich Carries a Shopping List
- Latin America could become this century's commodity superpower
- How rationing became the fashion under the Tories
- China is obsessed with food security. Climate change will challenge it
- Sandworm Hackers Caused Another Blackout in Ukraine—During a Missile Strike
- Armies are re-learning how to fight in cities
- The Hollywood Foreign Press Association does penance for its sins
- It's Too Soon to Bet on China's Housing Turnaround
- Rushdi Sarraj loved to record what others did not or would not see
- Plastic Has Changed Sea Turtles Forever
- How China sees Gaza
- The fall of China's "manganese king" may hit global EV supply chains
- U.S. CEOs on the Chinese Menu
- Sources and acknowledgments
- Tiny hitchhikers on viruses could promote resistance to antibiotics
- To Treat Overdose Patients Now, Hospitals Must Test for More Kinds of Drugs
- Skiing Is Getting Riskier
- A Trump Party in the Reagan Library
- Russia's missile attacks on Ukraine have been ineffective
- Corporate America faces a trillion-dollar debt reckoning
- Ukraine's commander-in-chief on the breakthrough he needs to beat Russia
- Data on air bases suggest a Chinese invasion of Taiwan may not be imminent
- Tightened US rules throttle Alibaba and Baidu's AI chip development
- The prospects for Joe Biden's package of aid for allies
- America's bosses just won't quit. That could spell trouble
- Why fear is spreading in financial markets
- Joe Biden steers a risky course after a Gaza hospital blast
- Why investors are gambling on placid stockmarkets
- America may soon be in recession, according to a famous rule
- KAL's cartoon
- Politics
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How common infections can spark psychiatric illnesses in children
- Nawaz Sharif returns to Pakistan, again
- Researchers use magnetic fields for non-invasive blood glucose monitoring
- It was hard for any viewer to look away from Sidney Poitier
- A rotting warship becomes a flashpoint for Sino-American rivalry
- For Hannah Pick-Goslar, paths crossed in an extraordinary way
- Why the state should not promote marriage
- Republican parties in important swing states are falling behind
- The Oakland A's are relocating to Las Vegas after MLB owners approve the mov
- Apple moves to simplify messaging between iPhones and Androids
- War in Ukraine has triggered a boom in Europe's defence industry
- Which languages take the longest to learn?
- Microsoft Black Friday deals include up to $800 off the Surface Pro 9
- More Americans than ever report a disability
- Why there is a bear market in rhinos
- Why aren't more people being sacked?
- Why are Vietnam's schools so good?
- The EU is finally rebooting the enlargement machine
- Meta Officially Accepts Blood Money to Promote the Big Lie
- India's Supreme Court refuses to recognise same-sex marriage
- A Belgian company wants to create woolly-mammoth burgers
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Israeli hostages now face a terrifying ordeal
- The 41 Best Shows on Disney+ Right Now
- Business
- The Indian business of blowing things up is booming
- Joe Biden needs Mexico's co-operation on migration
- Lata Mangeshkar was the soundtrack of newly independent India
- Sources and acknowledgments
- How the Pentagon assesses Ukraine's progress
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The age of the grandparent has arrived
- The coup in Gabon is part of an alarming trend
- Australia is becoming America's military launchpad into Asia
- Sam Bankman-Fried's downfall is complete
- A Watchdog Group Calls for an Investigation of X's Sneaky New Ads
- What Is the Internet of Things? A WIRED Guide
- Is the end of AIDS in sight?
- Donald Trump's racketeering indictment is the most sweeping yet
- Global dividends hit by oil and mining sector cuts
- New Breed of Supercomputer Aims for the Two Quintillion Mark
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How to Get Facebook Without Ads—if It's Available for You
- How economists have underestimated Chinese consumption
- A Chinese dispute with the Philippines is a test of America
- How bad could China's property crisis get?
- At what age do you hit the peak of your career?
- England's Lionesses reach the World Cup final
- Victoria Amelina explored a land of atrocities and secrets
- Sundar Pichai on Google's AI, Microsoft's AI, OpenAI, and … Did We Mention AI?
- Why sexually transmitted infections are rising in America
- Politics
- Could newborn neurons reverse Alzheimer's?
- Video: How we studied the lessons of Ukraine
- Costa Rica no longer seems a Latin American success story
- Why fewer university students are studying Mandarin
- Renewable energy has hidden costs
- A Finnish firm thinks it can cut industrial carbon emissions by a third
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- PathFinder - Tool That Provides Information About A Website
- Reverberations of Music From the Holocaust
- Who profits most from America's baffling health-care system?
- The rise of "tranq dope" is making America's opioid crisis worse
- Best Tech Gifts 2023: Stuff We Actually Bought
- Israeli soldiers fight to reach Hamas's headquarters
- Why the world is suddenly wooing Papua New Guinea
- A vision for the Palestinians after the war
- Inside the secretive business of geopolitical advice
- Video games, power and diplomacy
- Sticking together makes bacteria nearly invincible
- Politics
- A $3.8bn deal points to the future of car-parts suppliers
- Joe Biden and Xi Jinping rediscover the joy of talking. Good
- TEx - Telegram Monitor
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- To understand America's job market, look beyond unemployed workers
- The Bob Iger v Nelson Peltz rematch
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How the young should invest
- Private detective who led a hacking attack against climate activists gets prison time
- Ethiopia risks sliding into another civil war
- Are American children's books getting more "woke"?
- This Biophysicist 'Sun Queen' Harnessed Solar Power
- TikTok is wading into South-East Asia's e-commerce wars
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- America may soon be spending more on debt service than defence
- Is Snoozing the Alarm Good or Bad for Your Health?
- China's "demographic dividend" appears to be a myth
- Disney Swears It Can Make Streaming Profitable and Promises a Combined Disney+, Hulu Service
- The curse of the badly run meeting
- The biggest obstacle to saving rainforests is lawlessness
- Google Antitrust Judge Says He Has 'No Idea' How He Will Rule
- Jean-Jacques Savin wanted to defy old age
- TikTok Is the New TV
- What is 5G? The Complete Guide to When, Why, and How
- Lebanon's prime minister, Najib Mikati, has a peace plan for Gaza
- Blackstone borrows to boost lending power of $52bn credit fund
- Best Binoculars (2023): Nikon, Celestron, Swarovski, Zeiss
- Why are there so many suicides in rich, stable Uruguay?
- Thousands of Ukrainian men are avoiding military service
- How Ukrainians modify civilian drones for military use
- In America, lots of usable organs go unrecovered or get binned
- A chunk of asteroid is coming to Earth
- An unusual museum in China is dedicated to Vinegar Joe
- An email vulnerability let hackers steal data from governments around the world
- Underage Workers Are Training AI
- Rwanda wants to be Africa's new cop on the beat
- Zelenskiy calls for Russia to lose UN security council veto power – video
- A climber's story evokes classic mountaineering literature
- A higher global oil price will help Russia pay for its war
- How free-market economics reshaped legal systems the world over
- Here's the Proof There's No Government Alien Conspiracy Around Roswell
- Over a million Paraguayans disappear in the latest census
- The Law of Worst-Case Scenarios
- It's Time to Get Serious About Carbon Removal
- The old have come to dominate American politics
- China is stoking anger over Japan's release of nuclear wastewater
- Ken Mattingly obituary
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- What will Indonesia look like after Jokowi leaves?
- Virtual influencers are burning up South Koreans' Instagram feeds
- A new study finds that 47,000 Russian combatants have died in Ukraine
- How to Opt Out of Facebook's Latest Two-Factor Authentication Change
- Argentina is wasting the vast opportunities China offers it
- This week's covers
- The success of "Succession" proves the virtue of hateful characters
- Target Gave Investors an Early Christmas Gift
- A museum in Rotterdam opens up its collection
- Politics
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The genius of Jilly Cooper, queen of British bonkbusters
- Argentinian ex-officer who was charged over 23 murders dies in Berlin
- Business
- Russia's bid to return to the Moon comes to an ignominious end
- What Democrats can learn from Bobby Kennedy
- Emmanuel Macron's vision of a more muscular Europe is coming true
- Politics will move further to the left in 2023
- Suella Braverman uses a pro-Palestinian march to sow discord
- More »
- The EU's endless search for a migration fix
- It's OK to gerrymander, as long you discriminate by politics
- A powerful Irish film about the Great Famine reaches British cinemas
- Herders and farmers seek reasons for east Africa's drought
- Lost lions, heavy seals and long, long days ahead – take the Thursday quiz
- Walmart tumbles 8% on cautious holiday outlook for consumer spending
- Taiwanese politics faces a crucial election in early 2024
- Taiwan's opposition parties unite
- Rumours swirl after China's defence minister, Li Shangfu, is sacked
- Trenches and tech on Ukraine's southern front
- Alibaba Scraps Cloud Unit Spinoff, Citing U.S. Chip Curbs
- Antarctic sea ice has shrunk by an area nine times the size of Britain
- How to save the lives of 200,000 women a year
- Ukrainian refugees remain in limbo
- Tiny robots, giant steps: how nanotechnology could improve cancer and fertility treatment
- The fall of Nagorno-Karabakh: 'I've lost a child, and now a homeland' – video
- Politics
- Alibaba's Spinoff Plans Fall to Earth
- This Exclusive For All Mankind Clip Shows Why It's So Freaking Great
- Norway's Privacy Battle With Meta Is Just Getting Started
- The covid-19 inquiry exposes chaos in Boris Johnson's government
- Anti-abortion campaigners try to break their losing streak
- A new book explores the symbiosis of espionage and entertainment
- Best Buy Black Friday: Shop Major Deals on Tech and Home Right Now - CNET
- Fifteen notable lives lost in 2022
- Politics
- This week's covers
- Javier Milei, an Argentine libertarian, is rising in the polls
- 13 Best Home Depot Black Friday Deals (2023): Smart Home, Outdoor Grills, Garage Tools
- America's House of Representatives finally has a speaker
- Since Brexit, Britain's union has grown increasingly European
- The California county where far-right officials tried to upend voting
- Cashless talk
- 10 Ways the Second SpaceX Starship Test Flight Could Go Wrong
- When should a founder step down?
- Egypt's rushed election shows Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi is nervous
- Can Colombia's mercurial president bring "total peace"?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Lawsuits over disabled Americans' access to websites have surged
- Scientists have published an atlas of the brain
- Why doctors in America earn so much
- What Ukraine's bloody battlefield is teaching medics
- A new biography explains the genius of John von Neumann
- Many Arab governments would like to see Hamas gone
- How scientists are using artificial intelligence
- How to make hot-desking work
- The United States says corruption in Paraguay starts at the top
- Best Gaming Gifts for 2023 - CNET
- A safe space for Gaza's children: 'They still have dreams for the future' – video
- The Mexican Supreme Court does battle with AMLO
- Why young consumers love Birkenstocks
- Crispr Pioneer Jennifer Doudna Has the Guts to Take On the Microbiome
- The best bosses know how to subtract work
- This week's covers
- Fei-Fei Li Started an AI Revolution by Seeing Like an Algorithm
- England may soon become the world's best cricket team
- This week's covers
- American banks now offer customers a better deal
- Xi Jinping is obsessed with political loyalty in the PLA
- Bernard Ingham and Betty Boothroyd ensured democracy worked as it should
- NATO is agonising over whether to let Ukraine join
- Guinness Maker's Morning After Offers Little Reassurance
- Elevationstation - Elevate To SYSTEM Any Way We Can! Metasploit And PSEXEC Getsystem Alternative
- Are Ukraine's tactics working?
- Britons are ever keener on mudlarking in the River Thames
- For Biden, a Subtle Shift in the Power Balance With China's Xi Jinping
- Forbidden-Buster - A Tool Designed To Automate Various Techniques In Order To Bypass HTTP 401 And 403 Response Codes And Gain Access To Unauthorized Areas In The System
- Tina Turner turned a tough life into splendour
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How science will be transformed by AI
- Chinese Rocket's Moon Collision in 2022 Carried Mystery Object, Experts Say
- This week's covers
- Sánchez prepares for fraught second term as PM after Catalan amnesty
- There Should Be More Public Pressure on Hamas
- One response to school shootings in America: arm the teachers
- The uncertain future of Greeks in Turkey
- The Oslo accords were always doomed to fail
- Western armies are learning a lot from the war in Ukraine
- Afuzz - Automated Web Path Fuzzing Tool For The Bug Bounty Projects
- Ditch the Cord With This Roku Streaming Stick 4K Black Friday Deal - CNET
- The end of a remarkable era in Indian finance
- Europe's economy looks to be heading for trouble
- Meet India's mega-wealthy
- Lebanon's prison inmates are running short of food
- Israel needs to resist irrational retaliation
- The people of Hong Kong are growing more tolerant
- Trump's Love-Hate Relationship With the World Is Mostly Hate
- China isn't the only country giving out goodies in Asia
- Demolishing one of Babe Ruth's last stadiums
- Jury convicts man for assault of Nancy Pelosi's husband
- China's government launches a campaign against medical corruption
- This week's cover
- Italy's beaches are a battleground of the European economy
- Israel's new plan to encircle Hamas
- Pelé went from poverty to football superstardom
- Will America pull the plug on Israel's invasion of Gaza?
- The world's most liveable cities in 2023
- The US Wants China to Start Talking About AI Weapons
- Sabre-tooth tigers and dire wolves were in trouble before they vanished
- Investors are increasingly optimistic about Brazil's economy
- Brother Andrew secretly carried Bibles behind the Iron Curtain
- Chile is still haunted by the coup in September 1973
- Sung Tieu unpacks "Havana syndrome" in her latest work
- Mexican president's popularity soars even as country faces persistent turmoil
- Everything about carmaking is changing at once
- In just 100 days Nigeria's new president has made bold reforms
- Reproduction without sex is more common than scientists thought
- Obamacare Call Center Staff Strike Over Steep Health Care Costs and Scarce Bathroom Breaks
- 'It's about owning your power!' How Frozen changed a generation of girls. And boys. And Hollywood …
- South American governments are trying to curb illegal fishing
- Thousands of Starbucks Workers Strike on 'Red Cup Day'
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The future lies with electric vehicles
- Turkey has a newly confrontational foreign policy
- Hackers use a new SEC rule to snitch on the company they infiltrated
- Netflix takes a swing at live sport
- Apple is only the latest casualty of the Sino-American tech war
- A Watchdog Group Calls for an Investigation of X's Sneaky New Ads
- Why rail electrification is so slow in Britain
- Are cities in Asia becoming better places to live?
- The First Small-Scale Nuclear Plant in the US Died Before It Could Live
- Bibi Netanyahu is the wrong man in the wrong place
- "The Harder They Fall" offers a new take on the Old West
- Business
- How two teams plan to smash the world sailing-speed record
- The Republican Party no longer believes America is the essential nation
- What shipwrecked insects reveal about life at sea in the 17th century
- Germany raids 'anti-Israel' Muslim organisations
- Politics
- Politics
- Angry parents challenge how California schools handle gender identity
- A difficult new world
- 31 Best Early Black Friday Deals (2023): iPads and Scooters
- FDIC Chairman Denies Being Investigated, Then Changes Testimony
- Social Media Sleuths, Armed With AI, Are Identifying Dead Bodies
- The sudden demise of Indian vultures killed thousands of people
- Echoes of 1999 swirl but Proteas fall short of turning the tables on old foes | Geoff Lemon
- Sweden is suffering a grim wave of gang violence
- The French debate the future of steak frites
- Humane's Ai Pin is a $700 Smartphone Alternative You Wear All Day
- Parental Advisory: This Chatbot May Talk to Your Child About Sex and Alcohol
- In new poll, Jewish voters express strong support for Biden on Israel
- The best films of 2021
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Short of cash, Brazil's government may end its gambling prohibition
- A new gravitational-wave detection has excited astronomers
- Vaping is big business in Britain
- Taiwan is a vital island that is under serious threat
- Abdulrazak Gurnah wins the Nobel prize in literature for 2021
- The Echo Dot drops to a record low of $23 in an Amazon Black Friday deal
- Hong Kongers are bracing for an even wider clampdown on dissent
- Grab This 55-Inch TCL 4K Roku TV for $188 During Walmart's Black Friday Sale - CNET
- The mood at Davos in the desert is one of anxiety
- Humidifiers vs Dehumidifiers vs Purifiers: Which One Do I Actually Need?
- India's property market is ready for take-off
- GM absorbs commercial EV unit BrightDrop, CEO is out
- Hunter Biden's woes, and a new impeachment saga, will go on and on
- In Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim survives his first electoral test
- What are the chances of an AI apocalypse?
- Joe Biden's re-election bid is in trouble
- Around the world, bans do not make abortion much rarer
- X rival Bluesky hits 2M users, says federation coming 'early next year'
- Xi Jinping repeats imperial China's mistakes
- Why the fires in Hawaii have been so bad
- Dr. Alison Todd's Inventions May Save Your Life
- How the seven-day week came to rule the world
- Oil traders are flocking to sanctions-free Venezuela
- Much of Russia's intellectual elite has fled the country
- Unknown soldiers
- America's logistics boom has turned to bust
- Glenda Jackson left acting for politics—and then returned
- A Spy Agency Leaked People's Data Online—Then the Data Was Stolen
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Which EU country is winning our economic pentathlon?
- Taiwan desperately needs support from the world
- Netflix Killed 'The OA.' Now Its Creators Are Back With a Show About Tech's Ubiquity
- This week's cover
- West African views on Niger's coup
- Mistrial Declared in Case Against Ex-Officer in Breonna Taylor Raid
- Why urban warfare in Gaza will be bloodier than in Iraq
- Propane-powered heat pumps are greener
- Sakara Life's Excellent (and Expensive) Vegan Food Is All 25% Off During a Rare Sitewide Sale - CNET
- Aboriginal Australians may at last be given a say in their own affairs
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Flying taxis could soon be a booming business
- Gaza's nights are darker now than at any point in the past decade
- The jury is still out on Ukraine's big push south
- A Nobel prize for quantum dottiness
- Encrypted Email Service Tuta Denies It's a 'Honeypot' for Five Eyes Intelligence
- Meme stocks are back from the dead
- Who is sabotaging underwater infrastructure in the Baltic Sea?
- Apple's Bringing RCS Support to iPhone Next Year - CNET
- Business
- Argentina is pushing international lending to its breaking point
- Texas Republicans may oust Ken Paxton, one of their own
- Republicans Heap Pressure on FDIC's Gruenberg Over Claims of Toxic Workplace
- KAL's cartoon
- Do Amazon and Google lock out competition?
- Can a $12 phone get 300m illiterate Indians online?
- The four women who shook up philosophy
- The taboos around sexual health are weakening
- Meet the Peruvian indigenous singer inspired by K-pop
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Lawrence MacEwen made a tiny island prosper
- Oe Kenzaburo was made a writer by a family crisis
- A new psychological history of the cold war
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Korg's iconic ARP 2600 M synthesizer on sale for $1,150 via Reverb
- Is the Tories' Rwanda deal dead? Politics Weekly UK – podcast
- China and Bhutan aim to resolve a long-running border dispute
- YouTube Shorts Challenges TikTok With Music-Making AI for Creators
- China's economy may be growing faster, but big problems remain
- Gloria Allen ran a charm school for young trans women
- How strong is Trump's defence in the election-stealing case?
- YouTube Shorts Challenges TikTok With Music-Making AI for Creators
- England's NHS is trying once again to collate patients' data
- Meet the world's new arms dealers
- Sucking a carbon-neutral fuel out of thin air
- 'I want to start at Euro 2024': Alexander-Arnold sends message to Southgate
- The rise of user-created video games
- New Breed of Supercomputer Aims for the Two Quintillion Mark
- Jean-Jacques Sempé was an unparalleled observer of the human condition
- Albert Woodfox found his true self in prison
- Challenging the stigma associated with single mothers in China
- Latin America's left-wing presidents risk stoking inflation
- Has Alcohol Left Humanity Better or Worse Off?
- Good evening, Ms Bond. We've been expecting you
- Insiders Say Eat Just Is in Big Financial Trouble
- WIRED's 2023 Wish List : 47 Gifts for All the Enthusiasts, Connoisseurs, and Fanatics in Your Circle
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Can Argentina's next president fix the economy? Don't count on it
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Arrest made in death of man at Israel-Palestine protests in California
- Gold Edges Higher as U.S. Econ Data Bolsters Fed Pause Hopes
- Investors should treat analysis of bond yields with caution
- Why Ukraine may be choosing a war of attrition
- Taiwan's opposition parties are struggling to unite
- Ehud Barak blames Binyamin Netanyahu for "the greatest failure in Israel's history"
- Chinese art students scrawled Communist graffiti in London's Brick Lane
- A gigantic landslide shows the limit to how high mountains can grow
- Can a Presley win Mississippi?
- Xi Jinping wants to be loved by the global south
- What is Crispr Gene Editing? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Does China's fear of floating exceed its fear of deflation?
- Is the Windsor framework in Northern Ireland working?
- PG&E Wins Approval to Bury More Than 1,200 Miles of Power Lines
- China is unusually secretive about its space programme
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Meet the world's most enduring product
- Vladimir Putin is dragging the world back to a bloodier time
- Joe Biden has shown a steady hand in the Gaza crisis
- Xi Jinping steps up his attempt to rescue China's economy
- Politics
- The Chinese yuan is losing value, yet gaining ground
- The Poststrike Future of Hollywood
- Sony PlayStation Portal Review: A Handheld PS5 Companion
- A risky cancer treatment can be modified to treat immune diseases
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- P.J. O'Rourke hoped to make life hell for do-gooders everywhere
- What questions do you have about traveling with children?
- Ann McKee Is on a Quest to Save Humanity's Brains
- How an amateur football league in China took off
- "Don't Look Up", Adam McKay's political farce, is bleakly realistic
- How Consumers Are Spending Is a Reason for Cheer
- France's Mistral dials up call for EU AI rules to fix rules for apps, not model makers
- What Is Genetic Testing? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Gaza's evacuees are racing south with nowhere safe to go
- Biden, alone at the top table as the UN withers
- Israel Wants Inexpensive Drones. Chinese, American---It Doesn't Matter.
- Cambridge Dictionary Names 'Hallucination' Word of the Year and I've Never Felt So Seen
- The growing global movement to restrain house prices
- Beloved Hollywood Genius David Zaslav Admits Writers Were Right 49 Days After Strike Ends
- Twitch launches Privacy Center to educate users about their personal data
- Why Great G.D.P. Growth Isn't Good Enough for Bidenomics
- How covid-19 spurred governments to snoop on sewage
- What does China want from Latin America and the Caribbean?
- The world's deadliest war last year wasn't in Ukraine
- What Ken Paxton's acquittal means for Texas Republicans
- Catholic reformers want big changes to a church marred by sex abuse
- The Ukrainian army commits new forces in a big southward push
- Who is watching the watchdog when it comes to FDIC behaviour?
- Tea? Cocktail? Here are eight delicious ways to enjoy both
- Paris and Berlin compromise on reform of the electricity market
- Business
- A devastating accusation by Justin Trudeau against India
- Pervez Musharraf was one of Pakistan's better dictators
- Smoke blackens the air in America's north-east
- Narendra Modi has seized and politicised Indian cricket
- The rich world is wrong to think that climate impacts in poor countries don't matter
- Ex-Carlsberg executives detained in Russia over fraud claims
- Underage Workers Are Training AI
- The outsize influence of small states is fading in the EU
- How London bus drivers changed the world
- Two women are vying to be Mexico's next president
- A surge in global bond yields threatens trouble
- Britons should watch GB News, carefully
- The Mystery of Iceland's Non-Erupting Volcano
- A posthumous novel from John le Carré
- X's job search tool is now live on the web
- Human diets are becoming less diverse, a new book warns
- Joe Biden should admit Republicans are (partly) right about border security
- Joe Biden's love of unions runs into a giant strike
- Impressions of a first-time visitor to the Tory conference
- How to Opt Out of Facebook's Latest Two-Factor Authentication Change
- The battle with China is psychological as much as physical
- Regulators Say Wells Fargo Isn't Doing Enough to Police Customer Crimes
- How to avoid a green-metals crunch
- External shocks have hit the Italian economy hard
- Humans have altered other species as well as the environment
- In north-east Ukraine the war is close, upending daily life
- Nikkei Falls 0.2% as Consumer, Healthcare Stocks Weigh
- The 34 Black Friday deals worth shopping for right now from Amazon, Walmart, Target and others
- Ready, player four billion: the rise of video games
- The 2023 BirdLife Australia photography winners – in pictures
- Lawmakers question Apple over cancellation of Jon Stewart's show
- A new treatment for Alzheimer's offers hope—but raises questions, too
- An old health insurance scheme in China may have saved millions
- Franz Mohr was the man who made great concerts possible
- Mexico's foreign policy is unambitious and erratic
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Ties between foreign businesses and China go from bad to worse
- Thousands of species of animals probably have consciousness
- How to avoid a common investment mistake
- Fei-Fei Li Started an AI Revolution by Seeing Like an Algorithm
- Hungary is becoming more important to China
- Lucid Gravity Electric SUV Revealed - CNET
- America's economic might gives it little sway in the Middle East
- American and Chinese scientists are decoupling, too
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Underage Workers Are Training AI
- British MPs debate a crisis over school buildings. Childishly
- KAL's cartoon
- Stealing from museums is easier than you might think
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- A palatial museum of Edvard Munch's art opens in Oslo
- Peng Ming-min fought for the idea of "one China and one Formosa"
- What Does Superhero Casting Mean Anymore?
- NATO is drafting new plans to defend Europe
- America's courts weigh in on how firms resolve liability claims
- Xi Jinping's revealing response to floods and heatwaves
- Britain's probation service is in deep trouble
- The NSA Seems Pretty Stressed About the Threat of Chinese Hackers in US Critical Infrastructure
- Wegovy Slashes the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke in a Landmark Trial
- Chinese carmakers are under scrutiny in Europe
- A mercurial billionaire, Terry Gou, shakes up Taiwan's presidential race
- Sri Lanka shows how broken debt negotiations have become
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Do Labour's plans for Britain's private schools make sense?
- Israel signals operations in southern Gaza after hospital raid
- It's not just Paris. Bedbugs are resurgent everywhere
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Teams_Dump - PoC For Dumping And Decrypting Cookies In The Latest Version Of Microsoft Teams
- Lab-grown models of embryos increasingly resemble the real thing
- Latin America remains a playground for Russian intelligence
- The Milky Way's Stars Reveal Its Turbulent Past
- Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela once ran 80% of the world cocaine market
- The business of businesses is climate-change adaptation
- The G20 summit will be a resounding success for India
- America's economy is booming. Why aren't its bosses happier?
- Do not discount the chance of a Trump return
- Business
- FDIC directors call for bank agency head to recuse himself from probe
- Euro 2024: Hungary book place with late leveller, Sweden humbled by Azerbaijan
- Gift Ideas for Disaster Preppers
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Western values are steadily diverging from the rest of the world's
- She Sacrificed Her Youth to Get the Tech Bros to Grow Up
- Mitt Romney is the fixed point revealing the Republicans' slide
- Fei-Fei Li Started an AI Revolution by Seeing Like an Algorithm
- Sean Combs Is Accused by Cassie of Rape and Years of Abuse in Lawsuit
- Outer Wilds is actually, finally coming to Switch in December
- The iPhone 15 series will work with the upcoming Qi2 wireless charging standard
- 10 Gifts and Toys for the Science Lover in Your Life
- Are America's CEOs overpaid?
- The effects on Turkey of Syria's civil war
- Israeli Troops Scoured a Gaza Hospital for Signs of Hamas
- Google's Pixel Tablet is $100 off in an early Black Friday sale
- Girl, 12, charged with murder over fatal stabbing of woman in Melbourne
- How the war split the mafia
- Kimmel on Trump echoing Nazis: 'He's coming up with it all on his own'
- China's economy is a mess. Why aren't firms going under?
- Northern China has been hit by devastating floods
- Australians look set to reject new provisions for Aboriginal people
- American megachurches are thriving by poaching flocks
- China's greying population is refusing to save for retirement
- China's message to the global south
- Why uranium prices are soaring
- How will politicians escape enormous public debts?
- Lawmaking in Britain is becoming worse
- Mystery Science Theater 3000's Creator Talks Turkey Day and Season 14
- Trump's Truth Social Platform Could Struggle to Survive Without New Cash
- The pandemic has broken a closely followed survey of sentiment
- Is the Stage Set for a Year-End Rally?
- David Bowie delved into his own past on "Toy"
- Macau offers a new way to get rich
- Israel faces the danger of fighting on a second front
- Ukraine's counter-offensive is speeding up
- Amazon has Hollywood's worst shows but its best business model
- Is Japan's economy at a turning point?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- To understand Xi Jinping, it helps to be steeped in the classics
- Hamas's carnage upends Joe Biden's plans for the Middle East
- This week's covers
- AI is setting off a great scramble for data
- Kevin McCarthy's sacking deepens the chaos in American government
- Robotic Putting Greens. Mixed Reality. Loud Spectators. This Is Golf?!
- Peru's political chaos looks likely to persist
- How to Pick the Best Roku Device (2023): A Guide to Each Model
- As the Gaza war rages, Egypt fears for its stability
- Politics
- America returns to containment to deal with Russia and China
- Colm Toibin's new novel brings Thomas Mann to life
- What now for Thailand's weed industry?
- A famous brand of Chinese sweets reinvents itself again
- By averting a government shutdown, Kevin McCarthy risks his job
- Carl Bernstein's memoir traces his path to Watergate
- Muhammad Amir Muhammad Khan fought India's government for five decades
- Climate and China fears are bringing South Asia's countries closer
- Matthew Perry changed the way America spoke
- Post-covid, American children are still missing far too much school
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- In Asia data flows are part of a new great game
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Kenya's cops are spinning wild tales
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Signal Is Finally Testing Usernames
- Kim Jong Un has no desire to let his country rejoin the world
- This week's covers
- Charles McGee faced adversity at home as much as abroad
- The blight of Britain's prisons
- Why so much of the world won't stand up to Russia
- What would Europe do if Trump won?
- The battle of northern Gaza is almost over
- Can Narendra Modi complete India's state-building project?
- A new English version of "The Arabian Nights" is the first by a woman
- What a Serbian cave tells you about the weather 2,500 years ago
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The WIRED Guide to Commercial Human Space Flight
- André Watts took both Liszt and Schubert to his heart
- How China trains its journalists to report "correctly"
- Is Ukraine really interested in fighting corruption?
- Richard Simpson strove to balance buyers against manufacturers
- Is Anything Still True? On the Internet, No One Knows Anymore
- China needs foreign workers. So why won't it embrace immigration?
- Bowel cancer is rising among young people
- Roman Ratushny believed in a better, purer Ukraine
- Mikhail Gorbachev did not mean the Soviet Union to end that way
- Why British politicians are defending women-only spaces
- GM autoworkers approve new contract, securing wage increases
- Can Inflatable Outdoor Furniture Ever Be Chic?
- Where will the next coup be in Africa?
- Israel turns to financial weapons as well as military ones
- Why big oil is beefing up its trading arms
- Senegal's president asks if democracy can work in Africa's coup-belt
- Apple to finally bring RCS to iPhones
- A Quick Guide to the Spider-Heroes and Villains in Madame Web's Trailer
- Why Joe Biden will host Japan and South Korea's leaders at Camp David
- When I realised I was gay, I was homophobic to a classmate. Should I apologise, 25 years on? | Leading questions
- Weevils and lemon ants: a chef in the Amazon keeps rainforest dishes alive
- Reducing anaemia in the developing world: why researchers are adding nutrients to salt and tea
- Tensions build behind the scenes between US and Israel over Gaza
- Chinese apps are a mixed blessing for American big tech
- You be the judge grandparents' special: should my parents stop feeding my kids food that I've banned?
- Germany is becoming expert at defeating itself
- Spain's election ends in deadlock
- China tries to figure out whom a hit song is mocking
- Colonies of bacteria could save the Pentagon billions
- Germany tries to stop brawls in public swimming pools
- The coming years will be the hottest ever
- How oceans became new technological battlefields
- Russia's brutal mercenaries probably won't matter much in Ukraine
- Africa's supermarket revolution
- Black Friday 2023 Live Blog: Early Deals Vetted by Experts - CNET
- The challenge of the age
- Politics
- China's Communist Party has co-opted ancient music
- The city that encapsulates China's economic stagnation
- Mary Quant launched the clothes that made the Sixties swing
- How to predict the outcome of a coin toss
- How Asia is reinventing its economic model
- A digital payments revolution in India
- TikTok Videos About Osama Bin Laden's 'Letter to America' Surge in Popularity
- TikTok's Osama bin Laden Fiasco
- Arm's flotation could revive the market for IPOs
- A blow against Israel's Supreme Court plunges the country into crisis
- Sunday brunch is the new Friday night
- From wild swimming to grouse shooting, Britain is in hock to hobbyists
- China wants women to stay home and bear children
- Reassessing Obama's biggest mistake
- Sean 'Diddy' Combs accused of rape and severe physical abuse by ex-girlfriend Cassie
- Which countries get the best night's sleep?
- Trump Crosses a Crucial Line
- Politics
- Can India Inc extricate itself from China?
- Big Blanket Oversized Blanket Review: Comfortable Oversized Luxury
- Politics hamper China's efforts to stimulate the economy
- Ukraine's sluggish counter-offensive is souring the public mood
- Elvis impersonators and light-based art: photos of the day – Thursday
- The Chinese are working more hours than ever
- Autherine Lucy was an unlikely pioneer
- Spain shows that some voters still want centrism
- Americans are discovering the joy of a true pint of beer
- Asian Americans Raise Alarm Over 'Chilling Effects' of Section 702 Surveillance Program
- Supposedly Dead 'Tasmanian Devil' Star Unexpectedly Whirls Back to Life
- Destin Daniel Cretton Departs Marvel's Avengers: The Kang Dynasty
- Niger spoils Macron's plan for an African reset
- Thousands of Starbucks workers go on a one-day strike on one of chain's busiest days
- New ways to pay for research could boost scientific progress
- The Government Is Now the Hottest Tech Employer in Town
- Despite Brexit and the government, British manufacturing is doing well
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How the Rosetta Stone was deciphered
- The EU's response to the crisis in Israel exposes its limits
- Sources and acknowledgments
- Elon Musk Shares His Thoughts on Jews
- KAL's cartoon
- What the U.S.-China Agreement Means for Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- This week's covers
- AI music pioneer quits after disagreement over 'fair use' of copyrighted works
- Britain's Tory rulers set the weather for Labour's fiscal policy
- Can Tequila Really Go Global? This Booze Boss Is Giving It a Shot
- Gordon Moore's law was the spur that drove the digital revolution
- Climate change is harder on less educated people
- What OpenAI Really Wants
- These Stocks Are Trailing the Market by the Widest Margin in 25 Years
- The BRICS bloc is riven with tensions
- Anonymous tipsters, angry at Russia, help detect sanctions-busters
- Vladimir Putin has rallied the West
- Gustavo Petro, Colombia's left-wing president, is floundering
- Threads introduces tags to help users categorize posts
- KAL's cartoon
- Poland's far right could be the next government's kingmaker
- Two new books explore the impact of accelerating technology
- Small-town Chinese officials are making money with music festivals
- Martin Amis was the lurid chronicler of a whole generation
- Lebanon is experiencing a tourism boom
- What will artificial intelligence mean for your pay?
- The Caribbean is awash with illegal American guns
- Elon Musk's Disturbing 'Truth'
- Europe is stuck in a need-hate relationship with migrants
- Is Hizbullah stepping back from the brink of war?
- Sale of Sculptor Capital on cusp of approval after hedge fund brawl
- How, if at all, might Russia be punished for its war crimes in Ukraine?
- Scientists Discover First-Ever Vampire Virus Latched to Neck of 'MindFlayer'
- Palestinian Americans on working while grieving: 'How many days off do you take when Gaza's bombed daily?'
- North Korea is shutting embassies
- Debate on Surveillance Law Heats Up as Expiration Date Looms
- Why India hopes to make it into more big financial indices
- Cheap vaccines could prevent millions of deaths from cervical cancer
- Pity the modern manager—burnt-out, distracted and overloaded
- Cuba's Communist government taps the diaspora for cash
- Now Russia is fighting to gain territory in the east of Ukraine
- How Russia is trying to win over the global south
- Xi Jinping bumps up the share prices of firms he visits
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- LSE Group: when equities are no longer the stock in trade
- Britain's smaller cities desperately need better transport
- The Republicans Have No Majority
- A war correspondent's intimate portrait of an embattled minority
- How a 31-year-old hopes to fix Ukraine's state-owned defence giant
- Turkey's president picks a fight with the Council of Europe
- In Xi Jinping's China, central planners rule
- Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses Review: Fine Audio and Video, Privacy Issues
- Rush's Geddy Lee: 'Punk bands made us seem like Beethoven by comparison'
- German judges toss a spanner into the government's spending plans
- Electric two-wheelers are creating a buzz in Asia
- Could Britain's Liberal Democrats matter again?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- WHO declares loneliness a 'global public health concern'
- What China's economic troubles mean for the world
- Zimbabwe's flawed election ensures that its pariah status endures
- These Solid-State Drivers Bring the Future of Portable Sound to Your Headphones
- India-Pakistan relations are becoming more marginal and worse
- A biographer explores Greta Garbo's glamour and vacuity
- Investors are returning to hedge funds. That may be unwise
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Business
- The world's largest health-research study is under way in Britain
- There are risks but also big potential benefits from digital payments
- House Republicans, Stalled on Spending, Weaponize the Power of the Purse
- Business
- Which animals should a modern-day Noah put in his ark?
- Mexico's gangs are becoming criminal conglomerates
- The bigger-is-better approach to AI is running out of road
- Investors are paying close attention to the world's safest assets
- Renovation required
- Business
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The 55 Best Movies on Disney+ Right Now
- What If the Robots Were Very Nice While They Took Over the World?
- Why has Vietnam banned the "Barbie" film?
- Ferragamo, OnlyFans and Botox: How Santos Spent Donors' Money
- Russia will struggle to cope with a sinking rouble
- 'No one else is saving it': the fight to protect a historic music collection
- Politics
- Humans shed genetic information everywhere they go
- As payments systems go digital, they are changing global finance
- Google's New Titan Security Key Adds Another Piece to the Password-Killing Puzzle
- Antisemitism surges in France after the Hamas attacks on Israel
- China's Communist Party is tightening its grip in businesses
- Imperial borders still shape politics in Poland
- One Canadian province has decriminalised drugs
- Personal Data Collection: The Complete WIRED Guide
- What We Want Out of a 'Legend of Zelda' Movie
- The drawdown of African peacekeepers from Somalia has stalled
- Instagram update adds new camera filters and video editing tools for content creators
- Special Edition: Behind the scenes at the Long Read
- Japan's porn industry comes out of the shadows
- Turkey has given up promoting political Islam abroad
- America's government isn't shutting down just yet
- Geert Mak takes stock of the past 20 years of European history
- Politics
- India's diaspora is bigger and more influential than any in history
- The Middle East crisis is splitting the French opposition
- Humane's Ai Pin is a $700 Smartphone Alternative You Wear All Day
- Russia is attacking Ukraine's agricultural exports
- Mimi Reinhard typed up Schindler's list
- Pasha Lee went from Ukrainian screen idol to volunteer
- The Turkish opposition faces big obstacles to winning the election
- Lula's ambitious plans to save the Amazon clash with reality
- Supply chains are back to normal. Why is inflation still so high?
- Business
- Pope Benedict XVI was an iron fist in a white glove
- America, Israel and Saudi are "at the cusp of a deal"
- Donald Trump is found liable for fraud in his real-estate dealings
- The 2023 Nobel prizes honour work that touched millions of lives
- Ron Galella, the original paparazzo, died on April 30th, aged 91
- The 18 Best Movies on Apple TV+ Right Now
- The rise of English viticulture
- Angst mounts over Germany's green transition
- 'Super Mario RPG' Is Still One of Nintendo's Best, Most Bizarre Games
- Technology is deepening civilian involvement in war
- Japanese firms are leaving Tokyo for the sticks
- "Spencer", Pablo Larraín's Princess Diana fable, is less than the sum of its parts
- David Kirke believed safe sport repressed people's imaginations
- 5 Best MagSafe Power Banks for iPhones (2023): High Capacity, Slim, Kickstands
- Wagner routinely targets civilians in Africa
- The fallout from Mozambique's debt scandal reaches a London court
- Inside a month of America's school shootings
- Apple extends free emergency SOS satellite access for existing iPhone 14 owners
- This New Tool Aims to Keep Terrorism Content Off the Internet
- Cryptocurrency Prices Surge, Driven by a Potential Bitcoin Fund
- Comb-Over No More: Why Men's Hair Transplants Are Flourishing
- Nigeria is awash with dangerous pesticides
- What gift would you give Narendra Modi?
- Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers to try to stop the Vietnam war
- Acknowledgments
- A Nobel prize for electron-watchers
- Israel hopes technology will help it fight in Hamas's tunnels
- The First Small-Scale Nuclear Plant in the US Died Before It Could Live
- Is Ukraine's counter-offensive over?
- The rise and rise of e-sports
- The Worst Wildfires Are Started by People. Here's How
- Why the Communist Party fears gay rights
- The false promise of green jobs
- A new study asks whether racehorses have hit their genetic peak
- Unity launches a suite of AI tools intended to simplify game creation
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Business
- Will Binance come over to the light side?
- Some forms of chronic pain are particularly mysterious
- Rupert Murdoch isn't going anywhere just yet
- Musk Said Antisemitic Social-Media Post Was 'Actual Truth'
- Lula wants to purge Brazil of Jair Bolsonaro's influence
- I Cannot Take Amazon's New Robot for Business Seriously
- How the Iraq war bent America's army out of shape
- India's surging food prices are a problem not just for India
- The best home theater gifts of 2023
- Ibrahim Mahama and the art of resurrection
- Two new books shed light on the plight of the Uyghurs
- Attempts to make supply chains "resilient" are likely to fail
- Best MacBooks (2023): Which Model Should You Buy?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The best gifts for book lovers in 2023
- Amazon will start selling Hyundais through its website next year
- After 50 years, the Residents are still on the road
- China goes from zero-covid to zero restrictions
- Ukraine inches closer to joining the EU
- East Asia's new family portrait
- In defence of Britain's public toilets
- Are heatwaves evidence that climate change is speeding up?
- Latin America's most powerful new gang built a human-trafficking empire
- Donald Trump's second term would be a protectionist nightmare
- This week's covers
- Donald Trump looks terrifyingly electable
- A blunder costs a British town billions
- Sri Lanka is uncovering mass graves but not the grisly truth of its civil war
- If it can be designed on a computer, it can be built by robots
- The Future of Obesity Drugs Just Got Way More Real
- The plot thickens over Iraq's bank heist
- Civilians in Gaza react to warnings war could spread further south – video
- Guatemala's election produces a pleasant surprise
- AMLO's austerity has hurt Mexico
- Bindeshwar Pathak realised that India's future depended on toilets
- 'I've always felt like an outsider': Rosamund Pike on class, shame and her blistering turn in Saltburn
- Bad Bunny, a superstar rapper, is good business
- China's young want to work. For the government
- NetworkAssessment - With Wireshark Or TCPdump, You Can Determine Whether There Is Harmful Activity On Your Network Traffic That You Have Recorded On The Network You Monitor
- Sean Baker's films bring sex work into the light
- A Quibi-like app called ReelShort hit record downloads and revenue this month
- Narendra Modi's ultimate test—educating 265m pupils
- Film-makers are finding horror, not comfort, in the natural world
- Dominic Monaghan on Attending Fan Conventions
- China is struggling to recruit enough highly skilled troops
- "Aftermath" is a piercing study of Germany after 1945
- An acrimonious debate about covid's origins will rumble on
- A spy for China in Britain's Parliament?
- Why you have an accent in a foreign language
- A spectacular new fossil shows a mammal making a meal of a dinosaur
- Why ExxonMobil is paying $60bn for Pioneer
- Welcome to the age of the hermit consumer
- Cve-Collector - Simple Latest CVE Collector
- Ranajit Guha revolutionised the study of India's past
- George Santos will not seek re-election after House details 'pervasive' fraud
- The US Wants China to Start Talking About AI Weapons
- Sega faces unfair labor practice complaint for planned mass layoff of union members
- Aws-Waf-Header-Analyzer - The Purpose Of The Project Is To Create Rate Limit In AWS WaF Based On HTTP Headers
- Here's How Violent Extremists Are Exploiting Generative AI Tools
- Venezuela's autocrat launches a massive corruption probe
- This week's cover
- The Marvel Movies From Worst to Best—and Where to Stream Them
- Fentanyl kills thousands every year in America. Will Europe be next?
- Why is antisemitism so rife in UK academic settings? I have never found student life more difficult | Anonymous
- Finding aliens means studying new sorts of planet
- How plundered Gaulish silver ended up in Roman coins
- Crypto market showing signs of recovery as prices, NFT sales rise on the month
- PatchaPalooza - A Comprehensive Tool That Provides An Insightful Analysis Of Microsoft's Monthly Security Updates
- "Homeland economics" will make the world poorer
- America's Federal Reserve could soon be flying blind
- Latin America is set to become a major oil producer this decade
- A jobs bonanza stirs fears the American economy is overheating
- Brave Labour MPs have voted with their conscience. Where is Keir Starmer's? | Owen Jones
- How Amos Vogel changed American film culture
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Activist ValueAct Builds Stake in Disney
- Politics
- The worst job in Washington is within Steve Scalise's grasp
- Like human armies, army ants trail crowds of hangers-on
- Scrapyards adopt new high-tech ways to dismantle cars
- The challenge of making Palestinian wine
- Sean Combs Accused of Physical, Mental Abuse by Former Partner
- When can American officials block citizens on social media?
- Travelling to and from America has become a waiting game
- How to manage teams in a world designed for individuals
- How one pandemic made another one worse
- America is blind to the full extent of school shootings
- Mexico could elect its first female president next year
- Your Thanksgiving Costs, Broken Down
- Best Black Friday AirPods Deals: Save Big on AirPods Pro, Max and More - CNET
- Can Europe's power grid cope with the green transition?
- Jiang Zemin oversaw a wave of economic change, but not much political reform
- Ethics report finds Santos used campaign funds to pay for OnlyFans, Botox, Sephora
- The spat with India only adds to Justin Trudeau's woes
- Customer service is getting worse—and so are customers
- The SAG Deal Sends a Clear Message About AI and Workers
- Temperatures of 50°C will become much more common around the Mediterranean
- KAL's cartoon
- Liz Truss and Jeremy Corbyn still haunt British politics
- Man City v Inter Milan is the most lopsided final in Champions League history
- Into the wild to fight Scotland's addiction problems – video
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Seals Show Scientists an Unknown Antarctic Canyon
- Dyslexia, Dark Energy and a New Arms Race
- An ancient rice bowl complicates the story of civilisation in India
- A fight over dangerous dogs in Britain
- Carmen Callil changed British reading habits for ever
- Global democratic backsliding seems real, even if it is hard to measure
- The most typical place in Britain is Basildon
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- New Zealand tires of its cuddly liberal government
- Qi2's Wireless Charging Debut Hopefully Means MagSafe Chargers Will Come to Android
- Can Scotland help Labour form Britain's next government?
- China's missing foreign minister loses his job
- Alibaba ditches plans to spin off cloud business and list supermarket
- Late Lawrence Shankland goal keeps Scotland's table-topping hopes alive
- Russia's friends are a motley—and shrinking—crew
- KAL's cartoon
- Ukraine's missile cemetery
- Spain's Socialists are struggling to recover power
- Bolivia is on the brink of an economic crisis
- Why Chinese mourn Li Keqiang, their former prime minister
- To help schoolchildren in poor countries, reduce lead poisoning
- Made In Cookware Is Highly Giftable, and It's Already on Sale for Black Friday - CNET
- Donald Trump will "never" support Putin, says Volodymyr Zelensky
- China has its eyes on Okinawa
- Jokowi is building a political dynasty
- Canadian man convicted of murdering Muslim family in 2021 truck attack
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
2355 Interesting News
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